Issues Model European Parliament Luxembourg 2014

Here you can find an outline of the issues which are studied by the several committees during the international MEP-conference 2014 in Luxembourg. 





Committee on Foreign Affairs

With relentless violence continuing in Syria, is it acceptable for the international community to stand by engaging in cyclical discussion? What action should the EU take to protect the safety and security of those in the affected region in the wake of the Arab Spring?


Committee on Security and Defense

The question of the involvement of the EU in armed international conflicts: Should the EU be willing to intervene by military means in international conflicts, or should the EU confine itself to reconstruction efforts after military hostilities have ended?


Committee on Development

Feeding more with less: with one billion people lacking access to adequate food and nutrition, how can the EU in tandem with the private sector and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) increase both agricultural productivity and production to sustainably feed a growing world without jeopardising our natural resources?


Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

Unpaid internships, extending education, returning to the family home and mass migration: in the light of the current economic crisis and especially rising youth unemployment, what action should the EU take to effectively fight the exclusion of young people from the job market?


Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

High consumption of single-use plastic carrier bags, their inappropriate end-of-life treatment and their resistance to degradation are damaging the environment, especially its various eco-systems. There are also additional implications for human and animal health and resource efficiency. What measures should be taken on a transnational level?


Committee on Culture and Education

The question of youth empowerment: With problems mounting in so many fields (education, unemployment, globalisation, social media) affecting the youth of today how can we empower young people to have more say in the solution and decision making process in society with a view to enhancing active citizenship and a sense of solidarity?


Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (I)

The fear of rising 'benefit tourism' seems to be a result of unequal access to social benefits within the Union. How should basic EU liberties be safeguarded whilst considering the socio-economic pressures placed upon the welfare systems of Member States?


Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (II)

The opportunities of using powerful computing resources on demand via the web are considered as a possible driver for the growth of the European economy. The market for Cloud Computing is still in an early stage, but with considerable growth rates. In addition the recent massive surveillances actions and the rise of cyber-crime showed the need for a more secure basis of future computing. Which incentives can the EU foster to ensure cyber-security and the protection of personal data?


Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Is the solution to the Euro-crisis 'more Europe' or less? With the aftermath of the financial crisis dragging on for longer and longer and in the light of the ever-rising anti-European feelings taking hold in many European countries after the recent elections to the European Parliament, what institutional reforms are required to deal with the current political stalemate?


Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality

With slow progress in achieving gender parity across Europe in both political positions and the private sector, what is the role of women, especially young ones, in perpetuating inequality in the workplace? To what extent should the EU and Member States take more radical action in order to unlock the full potential of Europe's female labour force?


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