Tuesday 14 ECOFIN Council in Luxembourg
EU Ministers will address exchange of information in the field of taxation and taxation of energy products.
The 28 European Ministers of Economy and Finance gather on Tuesday 14 October in Luxembourg. Ecofin Council starts at 11:30 A.M. and is chaired by Pier Carlo Padoan, the Minister of Economy and Finance in the Italian Government.
EU Ministers will address different topics, such as the automatic obligatory exchange of information in the field of taxation, the taxation of energy products, measures in favour of investment as well as the banking union.
Ecofin Council takes place after the Eurogroup meeting and two days ahead of the ASEM Summit, which will gather Heads of State and Government from Asian and European countries and will be held on 16 and 17 October in Milan.
A press conference is scheduled following the meeting.
For more information: Council of the European Union