Home Affairs: Informal Ministerial dinner with IT companies on challenges of terrorism

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 9 oktober 2014.

European Commission


Luxembourg, 9 October 2014

Home Affairs: Informal Ministerial dinner with IT companies

Yesterday evening, Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and Minister Angelino Alfano hosted an informal ministerial dinner, which brought together EU Member States' Ministers of Home Affairs and senior representatives of Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft. The event was part of the forum announced by the Commission in its Communication from 15 January 2014, to discuss the challenges posed by the terrorist propaganda on the Internet.

The timing of the meeting coincides with the heightened online propaganda efforts directed at the Western audience by terrorist organisations operating in Iraq and Syria.

The participants discussed various possible ways of addressing the challenge. It was agreed to organise joint training and awareness raising workshops for the representatives of the law enforcement authorities, Internet industry and civil society.

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