Designated EU High Representative Mogherini sets out EU foreign policy priorities in European Parliament hearing

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 7 oktober 2014.

On Monday 6 October High Representative/Vice President-designate Federica Mogherini had her confirmation hearing before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament. In a session lasting more than three hours, Ms Mogherini set out the principles which will guide her over the coming five years if she is confirmed in her post.

"My first task for the next five years [is] to shape a real common policy” the High Representative designate said in her opening remarks. She stressed the need to convey the EU's role in addressing the massive internal and external challenges that are facing Europe today. "There is no way of dealing with these difficult times if we do not exercise our duties and responsibilities together." This would involve "thinking big" and to develop a long term strategy to prevent crises and manage their aftermath. Ms. Mogherini highlighted that a common EU Foreign and Security Policy needs to be at the heart of tackling the challenges the EU faces. "There is not one single internal priority of the European Union that is not linked to an external dimension" she stressed.

In her remarks to the European Parliament Ms. Mogherini emphasised three priorities to make a Common EU Foreign and Security Policy more effective over the next five years: first, ownership among member states "to build a common vision and priorities for the European Union". A second priority would be to work together with the European Commission and the Parliament to ensure the greatest possible effectiveness of the EU's external role. I will be happy", she said, "if in five years' time there is no "us" and them" when the European institutions refer to each other, there is just "us" the European Union." As a third priority Ms. Mogherini highlighted the need to coordinate all external actions of the EU: "If we look at the major challenges to security, it is very clear that we need that coordination: think of terrorism, think of migration flows, think of security and defence." To achieve this, she vowed to convene monthly meetings of all Commissioners holding portfolios with an external dimension.

Ms Mogherini used her remarks and an intense Q&As session to share her views with MEPs on the full spectrum of EU foreign and security policy issues ranging from Ukraine, to the Middle East Peace Process, to the crisis posed by the threat of ISIL in Iraq and Syria among many others.

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Opening Statement by Federica Mogherini, Vice-President-designate of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, at the hearing in the European Parliament

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Hearing of HRVP Federica Mogherini before the EP- Video