Audit on the management of the EU’s external borders

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Rekenkamer i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 8 oktober 2014.

A report published today by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) concludes that the External Borders Fund (EBF) has contributed to management of the EU’s external borders and fostered financial solidarity among Member States. However, further EU added value was limited and the overall result could not be measured owing to weaknesses in monitoring by the responsible authorities and serious deficiencies in the ex-post evaluations by the Commission and the Member States.

Three EBF co-financed class 300 all-weather vessels of the Italian Coast Guard operating from Lampedusa, Italy

Watch focus video with Louis Galea, the ECA Member responsible for the audit

Watch focus video with Louis Galea, the ECA Member responsible for the audit

The EU auditors found that Member States' programmes were not embedded in national strategies for border control and visas and lacked SMART objectives and measurable indicators. Project selection procedures did not ensure that Member States’ actual needs were met, and inadequate procurement procedures in Member States put sound financial management at risk. The auditors found serious weaknesses in management of the fund in key Member States (Greece, Spain, Italy and, for the early funding years, Malta). These weaknesses could mean that border management is not adequately strengthened where it is most needed. Low implementation in some countries limited the fund’s effectiveness. Furthermore the fund’s links with Frontex operations need to be improved.

As the main EU financial instrument in support of external border management, the EBF delivered € 1,9 billion over the 2007-2013 period. The EBF’s overall aim was to help current and prospective Schengen States ensure uniform, effective and efficient controls at their common external borders. For the 2014-2020 period, the Internal Security Fund (ISF) has been launched as the successor to the EBF.

Watch press briefing

Special Report (No 15/2014): The External Borders Fund has fostered financial solidarity but requires better measurement of results and needs to provide further EU added value

Press release: EU's External Borders Fund fosters financial solidarity, but better measurement of results is needed and EU added value ought to be enhanced - say EU Auditors

Luxembourg , 08/10/2014