CoR and debate on organic farming and the health system in demographically and geographically challenged regions

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 8 oktober 2014.

​ The General Director of External Action, Enrique Barrasa, has attended the Committee of the Regions Natural Resources Commission in Brussels, which has discussed the future challenges of organic production and health systems.

Extremadura has argued that the requirement that feed for livestock shall be obtained primarily from the agricultural holding where the animals are kept or from other organic holdings in the same region is not established.

Barrasa has explained that this measure would make harder the viability of many organic holdings of some European regions, "since it is very difficult, today, to depend 100% of the own farm or other in the same region." In this sense, the amendment emphasizes some elements and characteristics of Extremadura farms.

The General Director has welcomed the recommendation made by the Committee of the Regions, that Extremadura had already raised in the previous NAT Commission held on June 5 in Azores, to maintain the coexistence of organic farming and traditional farming. Around one quarter of organic farms in Europe produce both traditional and organic products.

The Committee of the Regions considers that this mixed production is good for the interaction between organic and traditional farming and contributes to promote sustainability and innovation in agriculture.

Extremadura is the third Spanish region in organic production in terms of area and number of operators, after Andalusia and Castilla-La Mancha. The region has a total of 3,233 operators in organic farming, 73 832 hectares and 149 ecological farms, in a sector that has grown significantly in the last few years.


The Committee on Natural Resources of the Committee of the Regions has also discussed draft opinions on mHealth and effective, accessible and resilient health systems.

Barrasa has argued that demographic and geographic characteristics of regions have to be taken into account in the articulation of their health systems. The amendments of Extremadura highlight that challenges such as highly dispersed population, low population density and acute demographic ageing are particularly sharply felt in the health field.

The draft opinion has defended to focus on research and new technologies in health issues to improve the citizens quality of life and generating opportunities for entrepreneurs and new employment.

Extremadura also believes that the potential synergies between health services in border regions can contribute to the sustainability and accessibility of health systems. Also, Extremadura has advocated the need to promote training courses on the use of the electronic devices associated with mHealth, particularly for the section of the population which is not computer literate.