New regional focus magazine

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 8 oktober 2014, 16:58.
Auteur: EUobserver

BRUSSELS - It is October 2014. Europe is still digesting Scotland’s recent referendum on independence.

Scots ultimately decided to remain in their 307-year union with the rest of the UK. But it sparked quite a conversation. And the promises made in the run-up to the vote are set to lead to change across the board; in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The prospect that a part of the UK - a major EU member state - could simply break off and become a new country attracted headlines worldwide and inspired regionalist and separatists movements everywhere.

But the independence question is not finished. Soon all eyes will be on Catalonia, the Spanish region up for a consultative referendum on independence on 9 November.

What does this bout of separatism mean for the European Union? Will it strengthen or weaken integration?

It will certainly give regional representatives something extra to talk about as they gather for this year’s Open Week in Brussels. EUobserver Magazine takes a look at some of the issues.

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