EU High Representative Catherine Ashton will be in New York this week to attend the 69th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UNGA).

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 22 september 2014.

The EU has identified five priorities for this year's General Assembly of the United Nations. The first priority is the promotion of peace and security which is at the heart of EU foreign policy and guides the EU's engagement in the world. EU foreign policy is based on the understanding that respect for the fundamental principles of the UN Charter holds the international system together.

Sustainable Development must be at the heart of a more prosperous and secure future for all. At UNGA the EU will pursue the follow up and implementation of the Rio +20 outcome, sustainable development goals and financing for sustainable development. The EU also works towards an overarching post-2015 development framework that supports climate objectives.

The promotion of Human Rights is an essential element of EU foreign policy and remains a key objective for the EU's engagement with the United Nations. The EU speaks out against human rights violations and supports human rights defenders around the globe. Over the past years, the EU has stepped up its engagement for human rights even further - most notably by adopting an Action Plan for Human Rights and Democracy and the appointment of a Special EU Representative for Human Rights.

In order to uphold a strong multilateral system, strengthening the effectiveness of the UN is a key aim of the EU. This includes reform in crucial areas such as management, peacekeeping, field support, and the financial sustainability of the Organisations.

The EU actively promotes the strengthening of the international humanitarian system and promotes humanitarian principles and relevant international law around the world. A particular focus at UNGA will be the preparations of the upcoming World Humanitarian Summit.

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