EU support for rehabilitation following the earthquake in Haiti

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Rekenkamer i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 23 september 2014.

A report published today by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) reveals that EU support for rehabilitation after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti was well designed overall, addressing the country’s major needs. However, the programmes were not implemented effectively enough and the link between relief, rehabilitation and development was insufficient.

At a time when Haiti was still recovering from the 2008 storms, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale struck the capital and the surrounding area on 12 January 2010, claiming a heavy toll in human lives and causing massive destruction. Around 230 000 people were killed and 300 000 injured, approximately 1.3 million people were made homeless in Port-au-Prince and over 500 000 people left the disaster area to seek refuge in the rest of the country. Poor sanitary conditions, which worsened dramatically after the earthquake, facilitated the outbreak of a cholera epidemic. The main rehabilitation needs concerned housing and urban rehabilitation, water, sanitation and hygiene, health, food security and education. Despite massive financial aid and a major international relief effort, an estimated 210 000 people were still living in tented camps at the end of 2013.

Hans Gustaf Wessberg, the ECA Member responsible for the report, has commented that: “In their efforts to support rehabilitation and provide rapid aid, the European Commission and other donors faced serious challenges, having to manage their aid with weak national authorities in such a way as to encourage ownership and help build a properly functioning government. The Commission identified and addressed priority rehabilitation needs, and adopted a sound cooperation strategy and appropriate division of labour with other major donors. It also continued its support for long-term socio-economic development of the country. However, it could and should ensure that EU support in the field is implemented more effectively”.

Special report (No 13/2014): EU support for rehabilitation following the earthquake in Haiti

Press Release: EU support following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti was well designed, but the effectiveness of implementation was insufficient - say EU Auditors

Luxembourg , 23/09/2014