Statement of President Barroso on the results of the Scottish referendum

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 19 september 2014.

European Commission


Brussels, 19 September 2014

Statement by President Barroso on the results of the Scottish referendum

"I welcome the decision of the Scottish people to maintain the unity of the United Kingdom. This outcome is good for the united, open and stronger Europe that the European Commission stands for.

The European Commission welcomes the fact that during the debate over the past years, the Scottish Government and the Scottish people have repeatedly reaffirmed their European commitment.

The European Commission will continue to engage in a constructive dialogue with the Scottish Government, in areas under its responsibility, that are important to Scotland's future, including jobs and growth, energy, climate change and the environment, and smarter regulation."

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