President Barroso's call with President Putin

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 15 september 2014.

European Commission


Brussels, 15 September 2014

President Barros io's call with President Putin i

President Barroso spoke with President Putin by phone today following the trilateral talks of last Friday on the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area. Both Presidents marked their agreement with the joint conclusions reached in the Trilateral talks. These conclusions should be implemented and on the EU side this will now be discussed with the Member States. On this basis, President Putin confirmed that there would be no changes to the current bilateral trade regime between Russia and Ukraine. The two Presidents also discussed the energy situation and it was agreed that a trilateral meeting at ministerial level should take place. Russia will propose a date for this very shortly. President Barroso underlined the need for a full respect of the 12 point cease fire plan agreed in Minsk. Both Presidents agreed that these steps should contribute to a political and peaceful solution, in full respect of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Contacts :

Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen (+32 2 295 30 70)

Alejandro Ulzurrun (+32 2 295 48 67)

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