Ukraine: Reinforced restrictive measures against Russia

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 1 januari 2014.

Strengthened EU sanctions against Russia, entered into force this morning upon publication of the legal acts in the EU Official Journal.

They include strengthened restrictions on Russia's access to EU capital markets, a ban on EU nationals and companies providing loans to five major Russian state-owned banks, new restrictions on trade in bonds, equity or similar financial instruments, issued by the same banks, with restrictions extended to some major Russian defence and energy companies. 24 persons have been added to the list of those subject to a travel ban and an asset freeze, bringing the total to 119 as well as 23 entities.

At the same time, the Council will before the end of the month carry out a comprehensive review of the implementation of the peace plan agreed in Minsk, on the basis of an assessment carried out by the European External Action Service . The European Union's restrictive measures are directly linked with the illegal annexation of Crimea and destabilisation of Ukraine. The European Union remains committed to de-escalating the situation in Ukraine. All should join in this effort. The EU's measures are scalable and reversible: in light of the review and if the situation on the ground so warrants, the Commission and the EEAS will put forward proposals to amend, suspend or repeal the set of sanctions in force, in all or in part.


Statement by the President of the European Council

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