President Barroso calls President Putin

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 29 augustus 2014.

European Commission


Brussels, 29 August 2014

President Barroso i calls President Putin i

President Barroso spoke with Russian President Putin today. In a very frank exchange of views, the President of the Commission expressed his deep concern with the current events and the situation on the ground in Ukraine. These are in complete contradiction with the efforts made by the European Union to bring about diplomatic and pragmatic solutions to issues such as the implementation of the AA/DCFTA (Association Agreement/Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement) and energy relations between Russia and Ukraine.

The President of the Commission conveyed to President Putin his firm condemnation of the evidence of significant incursions into and operations on Ukrainian soil by Russian military units.

President Barroso urged President Putin to revert the current path, stressing that it is difficult to continue to argue for engagement when confronted with the recurrent escalation of the conflict.

The EU has already made clear that further destabilisation of Ukraine and the region will carry high costs.