President Barroso: phone call with President Putin on the situation in Ukraine

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 14 augustus 2014.

European Commission


Brussels, 14 August 2014

President Barroso: phone call with President Putin i on the situation in Ukraine

President Barroso and President Putin spoke today on the phone. As in yesterday's call with President Poroshenko and in the contacts earlier in the week with both the President of Russia and the President of Ukraine, the purpose was to discuss the situation in Ukraine and its overall context, including ways to de-escalate the current situation. It was agreed to hold consultations between the Presidents of Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission on the issues related with the implementation of the Association Agreement as well as on the supply of gas, in parallel with the efforts to stabilise the political and security situation. The concrete arrangements for these talks will be further discussed through the appropriate diplomatic channels."

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