Water reuse: the European Commission launches a consultation

Met dank overgenomen van Italiaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2014 (Italiaans voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 7 augustus 2014.

The safeguard of water resources is a common goal

alttekst ontbreekt in origineel bericht
Bron: nieuws Posts Itlaiaans voorzitterschap EU 2014

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Until 7 November 2014, it is possible to take part in the public consultation on water reuse promoted by the European Commission. The participation of citizens, NGOs and public authorities interested in the topic is key to identify strengths and obstacles; the results will be useful to improve the EU legal framework concerning environment and health.

Currently, the reuse of waste water is not sufficiently implemented in Europe, although maximising reuse is one of the objectives of the “Blueprint to Safeguard European Waters” (COM (2012)673). Waters coming from sewage plants flow for the most part into rivers and lakes, and they could instead be reused for agricultural, industrial, urban or leisure activities and constitute a valuable resource, especially for areas prone to drought and heavily populated. The safeguard of high-quality water resources together with the reduction of the demand for potable water could be a trend reversal on how we impact the environment, already endangered by climate change.

For more information and to take part in the consultation click here.