Upcoming Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU

woensdag 20 augustus 2014

DEN HAAG (PDC i) - During the first half of 2015, Latvia will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The EU Council Presidency is a position that rotates among the member states of the EU every six months, and is held by a national government.

The function of the Presidency is to chair the meetings of the Council of Ministers, set the agenda, determine a work programme and represent the Council of Ministers both internally and externally.

Latvia will take over the Council Presidency from Italy in January 2015. It is the first time that Latvia will preside over the Council since the country became a member of the EU in 2004.

Preparations for the Latvian EU Presidency are well underway. Latvia has already defined three guiding principles which are to offer a framework for the Latvian Presidency: involvement, growth, and sustainability. These principles are reflected in the fundamental values of both Latvia and the EU. In her position as president of Latvia (1999-2007), Europe Lecture speaker Vike-Freiberga i made an important contribution to the entrenchment of these values into Latvian society. During her tenure, Latvia implemented a wide range of economic and social reforms. Today, Latvia can be considered as a parliamentary democracy and is one of the fastest growing economies in the EU.

Website of the Latvian EU Council Presidency: http://www.es2015.lv/en/