Ukraine: Mogherini “a powerful and unified response from the EU 

Met dank overgenomen van Italiaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2014 (Italiaans voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 24 juli 2014.

“New and positive actions” are required from Moscow

Shooting down of Malaysia Airline flight “changes the scenario of the Ukrainian crisis”, which is no longer a Ukrainian or a European crisis, but a “global one” and requires Moscow to take “new and positive actions”; this is how Federica Mogherini summed up the gist of the joint reflection by the EU Foreign Affairs Ministers who gathered in Brussels.

The head of Italian diplomacy underlined that it is now up to Russia to send out a clear and concrete signal to the separatists” and if no such signal is sent out, the Foreign Affairs Council or an extraordinary EU summit might opt for operational measures.

The Council - said Mogherini- has given a powerful and unified response. “We all focussed on this; the pursue of a very concrete approach, a tight timing for decision- making, bearing in mind that the priorities are rescuing the corpses and accessing the area of the MH17 flight tragedy, as indicated by our Dutch colleague.