Prof. Jonathan Holslag speaks at the 13th Europe Lecture

woensdag 16 juli 2014

DEN HAAG (PDC i) - The Europe Lecture Foundation is pleased to announce that professor Jonathan Holslag is coming to The Hague on October 28th to speak at the Europe Lecture 2014.

Together with former president of Latvia Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, prof. Jonathan Holslag will express his view on 'Europe in the World: Peace and Security'.

Holslag is a lecturer in international relations at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and a researcher at the Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies.

Besides his research focus on the impact of China's rise on the global order, Holslag has a strong interest in the changing position of Europe on the international stage. Recently, Holslag published a book ("The Power of Paradise") in which he analyzes Europe's role from a global perspective, and offers a visionary view on how Europe is to survive in an Asian century.

Next to his academic work, Holslag serves as an expert-advisor for numerous institutions and governments. He is also frequently sollicited to share his thoughts with the public in international discussion forums and globally recognized media.

Given his interest in the future of Europe in a changing world and his enthusiasm for diving into the pubic debate, Jonathan Holslag can be expected to offer an incisive analysis during the Europe Lecture 2014.

Tickets will be available soon.