EDUC debates challenges cultural and creative sectors face in boosting local and regional development

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 3 juli 2014.

During a seminar on 1 July, the Committee of the Regions' (CoR) Commission for Education, Youth, Culture and Research (EDUC) discussed the challenges that cultural and creative sectors face when contributing to regional and local development. Together with stakeholders in the field, they stressed the importance of fostering creative environments and harnessing diverse cultural potential as a social and economic lever, while contributing to cohesion policy by working towards the objectives set out in the EU’’s growth strategy - Europe 2020. The seminar, held in Gabrovo, Bulgaria, was organised by the CoR and hosted by Tania Hristova (BG/EPP), Mayor of Gabrovo.

Members of the EDUC Commission, alongside local and European policymakers, experts in the field of cultural and creative arts, associations and independent artists, looked at opportunities that the cultural and creative sectors can offer in boosting local and regional competiveness and attractiveness. They identified practical approaches and models for measures that will stimulate the creation of sustainable cultural eco-systems, focussing specifically on job creation and creative entrepreneurship, which could help deliver long-term social and economic benefits.

CoR member Tania Hristova (BG/EPP) underlined that: "Culture should be enhanced Europe-wide and assumed as a productive tool, instrumental for democracy and transparency, social and economic benefits, access and participation, respect for identity and diversity, intercultural dialogue and cultural rights".

CoR member and Mayor of Dudestii Noi, Alin-Adrian Nica (RO/ALDE), insisted on the importance of better integrating cultural and creative sectors in the EU's Europe 2020 growth strategy. "While setting up a separate dedicated flagship initiative specifically for culture would seem a difficult thing to do in the near future, we believe it is time now that culture and creativity become better integrated in the Europe 2020 strategy, particularly through the relevant flagship initiatives. After all, an entire 'New Narrative for Europe' based on culture and imagination is being shaped at the EU level".

Bulgaria’s Minister of Culture, Dr Petar Stoyanovich, spoke of the importance of involving municipalities in managing cultural and creative wealth. "Culture, cultural and creative industries, heritage and cultural tourism is one of the foundations on which we must continue to develop Bulgarian economy and state. It is of the utmost national importance in the 21st century. The state and the municipalities should seek solutions to common priorities. Municipalities have valuable experience and I am sure they will give some of the key solutions for joint actions of the institutions involved in the field of culture".

About the Commission for Education, Youth, Culture and Research (EDUC)

Throughout the European Union local and regional levels have key responsibilities for policies and activities related to education, culture, youth and sports. They are also key players in developing regional research and innovation strategies, and in harnessing the full potential of information and communication technologies to the benefit of society. The EDUC Commission provides a forum for representatives from local and regional authorities to provide input to other European Institutions and exchange good practices in these fields.