(Ilhan) Kyuchyuk
Ilhan Kyuchyuk is a member of the European Parliament since 1 July 2014 for "Movement for Rights and Freedoms" as a non-attached member. Kyuchyuk is elected on behalf of Bulgaria.
Inhoudsopgave van deze pagina:
BulgariaNational political party
Movement for Rights and Freedoms
European Parliamentary Group
Fractie Renew EuropeMain functions and occupations
-participated in the World forum for Democracy in Strasbourg, France, 2012
-parliamentary secretary to the vice-premier in charge of economic development in the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, from 2013 until 2014
-member European Parliament, from 1 July 2014
-vice-president of the National Youth Forum, from 2011
-member of the Youth Movement for Rights and Freedoms, from 2005
-member of the Central Executive Board of the Youth movement for Rights and Freedoms; responsible for the Internal Affairs, Media and PR, from 2009 until 2012
-elected as member of the board of the National Youth Forum, 2010
-president of Youth Movement for Rights and Freedoms on the VI-th National Conference, 17 November 2012
-graduated from the Bulgarian school of politics “Dimitar Panitsa”, 2012
-graduated from the École nationale d'administration in France, 2014
Academic education
-graduated from the “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo in “Law” and “Political Studies”
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