EU must set 2025 targets to help curb air pollution

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 20 juni 2014.

​ With air pollution one of the major environmental causes for premature death in the EU, members of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) Environment Climate Change and Energy (ENVE) Commission have called for interim EU targets for 2025. The "Clean Air Policy Package for Europe" draft opinion led by Cor Lamers (EPP/NL) also warns against being too hasty in the legal proceedings against member states that miss air quality standards and the European Commission should consider alternative means of enforcement.

Though recognising that air quality has improved across the EU, Cor Lamers argues that the EU should set clear emission targets which should be brought in gradually to allow member states to put in place the right measures to meet goals. Mr. Lamers, Mayor of Schiedam, argued that, "This is very important in helping to ensure that Member States actually meet the national emission reduction commitments for 2030 by that year. We believe the 2025 targets should be as binding as those for 2020 and 2030".

The rapporteur welcomes the European Commission's emphasis on tackling emissions as a means to reduce the mismatch between EU emissions policy and air quality standards. However, with 17 member states currently having legal proceedings taken against them for missing the air quality goals, the draft opinion, which will presented for adoption at the CoRs' plenary in October, calls for constraint in using legal action. It suggests the focus should om parallel offer alternative measures to improve air quality. Member states should be given an extended clean-up period with EU structural funds used to realise these objectives. Speaking at the ENVE Commission Lamers also warned that plans in some member states fines could simply be passed to local and regional authorities who were already financially stretched.

"Winning trio of binding climate and energy goals for 2030" needed to tackle climate change

The ENVE commission also sent a clear signal that the EU must take drastic steps to succeed in its energy transition as well as fight climate change. With the issue high on the global agenda given the next UN Climate Conference in Paris will be held next year, the ENVE Commission wants the EU to show more ambition and set out "a winning trio of binding climate and energy goals for 2030". The EU should use this as a spring board to become net emission neutral by midway through the 21st century.

This ambition was set out in a draft opinion written by Annabelle Jaeger (PES/FR) approved by the CoRs' ENVE Commission. The member of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Council calls for the EU to show ambition by laying down 2030 energy and climate targets. She proposes: a reduction of greenhouse gas emission by 50% compared with 1990; ensuring a 40% share of renewable energies, expressed as national targets; reducing by 40% primary energy consumption compared with 2005 achieved through efficiency gains. National targets, she argued, must be set and local and regional authorities involved in the design and implementation of all climate change policies.

She remarked, "More than 70% of climate change reduction measures and up to 90% of climate change adaptation measures are undertaken by local authorities. Cities and regions play a key part in providing targeted solutions for the production of renewable energy. They must therefore be truly involved in the EU's energy transition".