The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's road to the EU
Local governments driving forward accession through cross border cooperation
Committee of the Regions (CoR) members and representatives of local and regional authorities from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia met in Skopje yesterday to explore the possibilities and instruments needed to support the ongoing accession process. The CoR Joint Consultative Committee EU-the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia debated a draft report on cross-border cooperation, recent developments and their impact on the enlargement process.
The meeting was co-chaired by Ivica Konevski, Mayor of Aerodrom, and Jaques Blanc (FR/EPP), Mayor of Canourgue. Tahir Hani, Macedonia's Minister for local self-government, and Koce Trajanovski, President of ZELS (Association of the local self-government units of the former Republic of Macedonia) and Mayor of the City of Skopje also took part in the meeting.
In his opening statement Jaques Blanc (FR/EPP) pointed out the need to take concrete steps to promote dialogue and cooperation between local and regional authorities as a way to engage them in former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's road to EU membership accession process. “The process may need a long time which can be discouraging, but it is the only way to ensure a successful enlargement.
During the meeting JCC members discussed the state of play of the enlargement process and the involvement of subnational authorities. Presenting the latest CoR opinion on the Enlargement strategy which was adopted in April, Jaques Blanc explained that the CoR regretted the fact that the Council had once again postponed its decision on the opening of accession negotiations with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. He argued that a successful enlargement must be based on democratic structures, the rule of law, respect for fundamental rights and autonomy local authorities both in terms of skills and resources. Local and regional authorities must encourage their citizens to participate in the debate and are responsible for ensuring clear communication between Member States, institutions and citizens.
Jasna Gabric (SI/ALDE), member of the CoR, and Gjoko Strezovski, Mayor of Resen, presented a draft report setting out the possibilities and instruments available to local authorities that can help the accession process. “Cross border territorial cooperation is one of the tools available to local and regional authorities that can support accession. By working together on concrete projects, obstacles can be overcome that may exist at national level , Jasna Gabric pointed out. The report also calls on the Council to consider including the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian macro region, together with all the enlargement countries in the Balkans.
Jesus Gamallo Aller (ES/EPP) presented the European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation as a very good tool for facilitating cross border cooperation. Arsencho Alekovski, Mayor of Kriva Palanka, turned to projects and ideas in the field of small and medium enterprises.
Note to the editors:
The CoR Joint EU - former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Consultative Committee was set up in March 2008 in order to monitor internal reform in the country and to promote political dialogue with representatives of local and regional authorities. The JCC has 11 members from the EU and 11 from the partner country.
The JCC meetings provides members from both sides with an opportunity to learn about each other’s political priorities and to exchange views on the general situation of the local and regional authorities in the partner country. In particular, they provide the opportunity to express possible concerns about shortcomings in the preparation of the accession and the process of decentralisation in the partner country.