Message of congratulations of European Commission President Barroso to the Polish people for the 25th anniversary of the first multiparty elections*

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 4 juni 2014.

European Commission


Brussels, 4 June 2014

Message of congratulations of European Commission President Barroso to the Polish people for the 25th anniversary of the first multiparty elections*

Let me start my statement in this press conference by sending from Brussels my warm congratulations to the Polish people for the 25th anniversary of the first multiparty elections. Because of the G7 meeting I could not respond positively to the kind invitation of President Komorowski to attend these celebrations but I would like to associate myself and the European Commission with these very important celebrations. We see that when people are given a free choice they always prefer the side of democracy, freedom and rule of law. The Polish elections 25 years ago accelerated the democratic transitions in all Central and Eastern European countries and paved the way for the integration of those countries in our European project.

  • As delivered during the press conference ahead of the G7 Summit of 4-5 of June 2014

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