European Public Communication Award 2014

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 15 mei 2014.

​The European Public Communication Award aims to showcase best practices and to promote professional EU communication at all levels of governance.

Accordingly, the second Award will be presented in 2014 to those public administrations at national, regional or local level which have developed an outstanding communications campaign or strategy about the EU. The campaigns will be judged on their creativity, impact and on how they tie in with the EU’s communication priorities.

The Awards will be given at the 5th EuroPCom Conference, in October 2014. The Award winner will be invited as guest speakers at the 2014 EuroPCom conference (travel and hotel offered by the conference secretariat) and will receive their honorary title at an awards ceremony during the conference.

EU Communication Campaign of the Year 2014

The award is granted to communication campaigns, products or strategies of the last 12 months before the deadline. Campaigns are proposed by the administration, with a detailed description (see judging criteria). The communication campaigns are preferably linked to the current EU communication priorities: the economic recovery - Europe 2020; EU citizenship; participation in the EP elections.


The Awards will go to public administrations at national, regional or local level from the EU member states and candidate member states. Communication agencies, NGOs, political parties or other organisations can be associate partners of the awarded projects.

How to enter?

Communication campaigns of the last 12 months before the deadline can be submitted. The campaigns are proposed by a public administration at local, regional or national level, or by other stakeholders. The EuroPCom Advisory Board may also propose candidates. Multiple entries are possible.

The entry includes a short description of the campaign (max. 2 A4 pages): (1) aim and context of the campaign; (2) main products and actions; (3) partners, timing and budget; (4) evaluation of the results. The entry clearly mentions a contact person who might be available - if selected - for presenting the case at the next EuroPCom conference. Weblinks, visuals, audiovisual material, etc may be added to the entry.

Proposals can be sent between 24 October 2013 and 31 May 2014 by e-mail to the EuroPCom conference secretariat:


The judging will be done by the EuroPCom Advisory Board. The campaigns will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Impact and effectiveness of the campaign, with a bonus for long term campaigns;
  • Creativity and innovation (message, media use, style, etc);
  • Match in a broader corporate strategy and multilevel partnership;
  • Match with the EU communication priorities (Europe 2020 - EU growth and jobs strategy; EU Citizenship; Participation in the EP elections 2014).

The jury will select the winning case between June 2014 and September 2014. The winning case will be invited as a guest speaker to the 5th EuroPCom conference. The selection will be made at the discretion of the jury and is final. During the selection procedure, the jury members shall not communicate with the candidates about the award.