The EESC proposes an Action Plan for Europe - Five years to save the Union!

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 7 mei 2014.

At a time when EU citizens' trust in the European Union has reached an all-time low of 31% and concerns about unemployment and the economic situation dominate the public debate, it is essential to provide a response which is not nationalism or populism but European action.

At its 498th plenary session, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted its "Action Plan for Europe". The tangible steps and proposals contained in the action plan are based on three pillars which address the shortcomings of the European Union as it currently operates:

economic Union: the EESC strongly believes that achieving genuine Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is a matter of urgency, as the European Union's underlying problems still remain; a joint European investment programme, better coordination of fiscal policies, the creation of a common system of automatic stabilisers and the completion of the single market are key elements;

social Union: economic growth has to go hand-in-hand with social progress. Europe needs a stronger social fundamental rights agenda as well as a comprehensive new social agenda. We need a fair Europe;

democratic and civic Union: to support active citizenship and democratic innovation, the EESC proposes to organise a European Convention on Participatory Democracy and Active Citizenship in 2015.

European action means a long-term, sustainable plan for a better Europe. It is based mainly on solidarity between Member States and civil society and therefore requires dialogue and interaction between states, civil society organisations, generations, groups and citizens. "Solidarity is not a one-way process. When you want to bring all Europeans on board, it has to be a win-win situation for all at the end ", said Cristian Pirvulescu, a Romanian member of the EESC and rapporteur for the Action Plan for Europe. "It is necessary to give a clear and comprehensive response to the fears of Europeans, indicating the necessary and sometimes difficult steps to be taken. This year's elections and the implementation of a new Commission are the right time to start taking action. We have five years to rebuild a competitive, fair European Union, securing the welfare of all generations."

The European Union is based on fundamental values which are inseparable and universal - respect for human dignity, freedom and equality, solidarity and diversity - and which secure peace. "70 years of peace do not come by chance", said President Henri Malosse, hoping that the European action plan will be the roadmap for the next period and the basis for the EU's priorities.