"Magnitsky list": MEPs call for EU sanctions against 32 Russian officials

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 2 april 2014, 18:39.

The EU should deny visas to and freeze the EU assets of 32 Russian officials involved in the death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, its judicial cover-up and the continuing harassment of his family, Parliament said on Wednesday. The resolution names the officials.

Independent investigations established that Mr Magnitsky, who unveiled large-scale corruption within the Russian authorities, died in pre-trial detention in 2009 after enduring "inhumane conditions, deliberate neglect and torture."

The resolution calls on the EU Council of Ministers to draw up a list of the Russian officials involved, who would be banned from entering the EU and have their financial assets in the EU seized. The asset freeze should also apply to their close family members, MEPs say, adding that the Council should regularly update the visa ban list.

MEPs also note that the EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton has failed to place this issue on the Foreign Affairs Council agenda despite the European Parliament’s October 2012 request that she do so.

MEPs ask that the following Russian officials, amongst others, be placed on the list:

ALISOV, Igor, born 11 March 1968;

DROGANOV, Aleksey (a.k.a. DROGANOV, Alexei), born 11 October 1975;

EGOROVA, Olga, born 29 June 1955;

GAUS, Alexandra, born 29 March 1975;

GERASIMOVA, Anastasia, born 22 January 1982;

GRIN, Victor, born 1 January 1951;

KARPOV, Pavel, born 27 August 1977;

KHIMINA, Yelena (a.k.a. KHIMINA, Elena), born 11 February 1953;

KLYUEV, Dmitry (a.k.a. KLYUEV, Dmitriy or KLYUEV, Dmitri), born 10 August 1967;

KOMNOV, Dmitriy (a.k.a. KOMNOV, Dmitri), born 17 May 1977;

KRIVORUCHKO, Aleksey (a.k.a. KRIVORUCHKO, Alex or KRIVORUCHKO, Alexei), born 25 August 1977;

KUZNETSOV, Artem (a.k.a. KUZNETSOV, Artyom), born 28 February 1975;

LOGUNOV, Oleg, born 4 February 1962;

MAYOROVA, Yulya (a.k.a. MAYOROVA, Yulia), born 23 April 1979;

PAVLOV, Andrey (a.k.a. Pavlov, Andrei), born 7 August 1977;

PECHEGIN, Andrey (a.k.a. PECHEGIN, Andrei), born 24 September 1965;

PODOPRIGOROV, Sergei, born 8 January 1974;

PONOMAREV, Konstantin, born 14 August 1971;

PROKOPENKO, Ivan Pavlovitch, born 28 September 1973;

REZNICHENKO, Mikhail, born 20 February 1985;

SAPUNOVA, Marina, born 19 June 1971;

SHUPOLOVSKY, Mikhail, born 28 September 1983;

SILCHENKO, Oleg, born 25 June 1977;

STASHINA, Yelena (a.k.a. STASHINA, Elena or STASHINA, Helen), born 5 Nov 1963;

STEPANOVA, Olga, born 29 July 1962;

STROITELEV, Denis, born 23 January 1973;

TAGIEV, Fikhret, born 3 April 1962;

TOLCHINSKIY, Dmitry (a.k.a. TOLCHINSKY, Dmitriy or TOLCHINSKIY, Dmitri), born 11 May 1982;

UKHNALYOVA, Svetlana (a.k.a. UKHNALEV, Svetlana or UKHNALEVA, Svetlana V.), born 14 March 1973;

URZHUMTSEV, Oleg, born 22 October 1968;

VINOGRADOVA, Natalya, born 16 June 1973;

VORONIN, Victor, born 11 February 1958.

Procedure: Non-legislative resolution

REF. : 20140331IPR41184

Updated: ( 02-04-2014 - 20:07)


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