Inauguration of new premises and signature of Seat Agreement mark historic day for EU-OSHA

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Agentschap voor veiligheid en gezondheid op het werk (EU-OSHA) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 31 maart 2014.

Inauguration of new premises

Speaking at the inauguration of the brand new premises in the Miribilla area of Bilbao, the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor announced today that the European Commission would shortly publish its much-awaited EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work.

The Commissioner said: "Improving health and safety at work not only increases staff well-being and job satisfaction, but also raises productivity, reduces costs linked to absenteeism and improves companies' reputation. For all these reasons, the Commission will present in the forthcoming days a new EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work for the period 2014-2020. It will outline the achievements and identify the key challenges in this policy area, setting out key strategic objectives to be achieved. The new Strategic Framework will outline specific actions to be carried out by the relevant actors, in particular the Commission, Member States, and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. I am convinced that the new Strategic Framework will strongly contribute to improving occupational health and safety by mobilising all relevant actors in this field."

Dr Christa Sedlatschek, Director of EU-OSHA, warmly welcomed this news, stressing that it was not just good for the Bilbao Agency, but for workers and employers throughout Europe. A new EU Strategic Framework would underpin the future work of EU-OSHA which collaborates very closely with the governments, workers and employers in the Member States.

“Tripartism is the key to success in this field”, Dr Sedlatschek said, “and embedding this in an EU Strategic Framework would be the ideal way forward.”

Referring to the new premises in Miribilla, Dr Sedlatschek noted the considerable cost savings it would afford, whilst improving facilities for staff and also the international experts of EU-OSHA’s network who regularly meet in Bilbao.

Signing of Seat Agreement

In the second historic development of the day, the Spanish Deputy Secretary for Employment and Social Security, Pedro Llorente and EU-OSHA Director Dr Christa Sedlatschek signed a Seat Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the European Union.

A Seat Agreement is a bilateral agreement to regulate the relationship between a host country (Spain) and a hosted entity (EU-OSHA), with the main aim of facilitating effective cooperation between them. The agreement guarantees EU-OSHA’s security and access to its seat, as well as other measures for smooth functioning.

The Deputy Secretary for Employment and Social Security, Pedro Llorente, remarked that "the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has been a key player in consolidating and supporting the acquis on occupational safety and health in the European Union and in preventing and avoiding work-related accidents and occupational diseases. It has decisively contributed to make our workplaces safer and healthier and above all, to improve the working conditions of millions of workers in the European Union”.

Dr Sedlatschek warmly thanked him for his collaboration and noted that this was a red letter day for EU-OSHA, whose future in Bilbao was secured. She thanked the many local representatives who attended and reminded them the staff of the Agency coming from the four corners of Europe made an important contribution not only to the work but also to the cultural life of Bilbao.


Photos of the event