Cyprus Steering Group: Commission enhances support to the Cyprus settlement process

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 maart 2014.

European Commission

Press release

Brussels, 27 March 2014

Cyprus Steering Group: Commission enhances support to the Cyprus settlement process

On 27 March the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso i chaired a meeting of the Cyprus Steering Group in Brussels. The Group assessed the situation following the resumption of fully-fledged settlement talks in February. The Group also reviewed European Commission's support to the negotiation process under UN auspices and help to the Turkish Cypriot Community in preparing for the implementation of the acquis following a settlement. The Group expressed full support to the two parties to bring the process to a successful end.

President Barroso stated: "The courage shown by the two community leaders to resume talks and the positive atmosphere this has triggered on the island reinforce my belief in the genuine opportunity to solve the Cyprus issue for good. I expect that the negotiations will swiftly address matters of substance and that a final solution is found for the benefit of all the Cypriots. In this spirit we have today discussed how the Commission can best play its part in enhancing its support to the negotiations conducted under UN auspices. We have also looked into how to step up our help to familiarise the Turkish Cypriot community with the significant task to implement the EU body of laws in the prospects of a final settlement. On both accounts we need to ensure that our pace matches progress in the settlement talks and that the two parties agree."

The Cyprus Steering Group was established by President Barroso in January 2009 as a means of the European Commission to support the settlement talks and coordinate positions on EU related aspects of a settlement.


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