Organ Harvesting in China "a scandalous practice"

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 19 maart 2014.

The President of the European Economic and Social Committee - EESC, Henri Malosse, opened the Conference entitled "Organ Harvesting in China: Europe must act now" hosted at the EESC in Brussels. He considered 'scandalous' that such a practice is being undertaken by the Chinese authorities and hoped the European Union leaders would take up the issue with Chinese president, Mr. Xi Jinping, during his visit to Brussels on the 31st March 2014.

President Malosse declared that using body parts from prisoners of conscience, executed persons and minorities groups, to be sold in China or outside the country, is a disgrace for humanity and should end immediately.

Speakers in the debate also included Members of the European Parliament, representatives of NGOs, lawyers and doctors fighting against the practice, calling for the respect of the fundamental rights in China. They all affirmed that the trafficking in human organs violates medical ethics and international human rights standards adopted by the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Medical Association, the Transplantation Society and other international organizations.

The speakers and participants supported the conclusions and recommendations of the European Parliament Resolution last December which recognizes that minorities groups, especially the Falun Gong, have been particularly targeted by the practice of forced organ transplants in China. They called for the Chinese government to end the practice and cooperate with the international community in providing adequate information with regard to organ transplants. All participants called on China to streamline its legislation with the international standards governing organ transplants.

President Malosse declared that pressure should be put on the Chinese government to end organ harvesting. He pointed out that the visit of Mr. Xi Jinping in Brussels will be a great opportunity for EU representatives to raise this issue during the discussions, appealing to his human sensibility and urging him to stop this inhumane practice.