EP committee vote takes us one step closer to ending roaming charges in the EU

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 18 maart 2014.

European Commission


Brussels, 18 March 2014

EP committee vote takes us one step closer to ending roaming charges in the EU

Today the European Parliament's ITRE Committee voted on the Telecoms Single Market Regulation*. On hearing the result of the vote, Vice President of the Commission Neelie Kroes i said:

"This vote is great news and I would like to thank the rapporteur Pilar del Castillo and all the MEPs involved for all their hard work and cooperative spirit. Digital tools and telecoms networks enable productivity and performance in every area of our lives. And now we are one step closer. This is about ensuring a dynamic, healthy, competitive telecoms sector, fit to face the future. It's about arming every European business with the tools and networks they need to innovate and grow. And giving every European citizen the seamless connectivity they have come to demand - without unfair practices like blocked services or roaming charges."

The Telecoms Regulation is now due to be voted in plenary by all MEPs on 3 April. Meanwhile EU Member States are in the process of discussing the Regulation in working groups. The Commission expects final agreement of the Regulation by end of 2014.

*The Telecoms Regulation was proposed by the Commission in September 2013. It aims to bring us much closer to a truly single market for telecoms in the EU, by ending roaming charges, guaranteeing an open internet for all by banning blocking and degrading of content, coordinating spectrum licensing for wireless broadband, giving internet and broadband customers more transparency in their contracts, and making it easier for customers to switch providers.


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