Schulz on European Parliament's approval of the Data Protection Package

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 12 maart 2014.

European Parliament President Martin Schulz i made the following statement on the approval of a first reading of the Data Protection Package:

“With today's vote, the European Parliament has taken a decisive step towards reconciling the economic opportunities of the digital revolution with the fundamental right of all our citizens to respect for their private life.

We need strong rights for citizens and a one-stop-shop for businesses. Only when people are confident that their data are safe and are only used for agreed purposes will they take greater advantage of the opportunities offered by a digital single market.

In a world where big data increasingly combined with big government, the European Parliament is leading the fight to ensure that people regain sovereignty over their privacy. Our identity and integrity as free individuals in the digital age are at stake!

It is high-time for the Council to finally come to a position so that negotiations can begin. The efforts of the Greek Presidency in that direction are a welcome step.”

Notes to editors:

The Package consists in the General Data Protection Regulation (rapporteur: Mr Albrecht) and the Data Protection Directive (rapporteur: Mr Droutsas).