The EESC received by the Dalai Lama
The President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Henri Malosse, met with the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala (India) earlier today. He was accompanied by a delegation of EESC Members, whose official visit included attendance of the 55th anniversary ceremonies of the Tibetan uprising.
During this meeting, the Dalai Lama stated that the "Middle Way Approach" does not mean a claim for independence but actually a genuine autonomy for Tibet. He explained that with China, the economic development of Tibet could grow rapidly. However, it is necessary that education, the environment and religion are handled by the Tibetans themselves. According to him, on the other hand, the economy and defence fall under the Chinese central responsibility.
The Dalai Lama also underlined the importance of the fight against corruption, as he considers this challenge a form of violence and a cancer for humanity. He thus expressed his support for the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, in his fight against corruption in his country. He asked the President Malosse to transmit to Xi Jinping a message of peace in the resolution of the Tibetan question during his forthcoming visit to Brussels.
Henri Malosse stated his position that the European Union should not negotiate on the fundamental values such as the respect for human rights and the freedom of expression.
The EESC President is the first President of a European institution to participate in the commemoration of the anniversary of the Tibetan uprising on 10 March in Dharamsala. He was accompanied during his visit by an official delegation of the EESC, composed of Madi Sharma (Employers' Group), Tomasz Jasiński (Workers' Group) and Anne-Marie Sigmund (Various Interests' Group), and the delegation was joined by Vincent Metten, representative of the NGO International Campaign for Tibet in Brussels.