Commission analysing official Partnership Agreements from 10 Member States on EU Structural and Investment Funds

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Regionaal beleid en Stadsontwikkeling (REGIO) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 6 maart 2014.

Partnership Agreements - State of Play

The European Commission is now analysing the official Partnership Agreements received from 10 Member States outlining their investment plans for EU Structural and Investment Funds.

These have come from:

Polska 10/01

France 14/02


Portugal Lietuva 04/02

Slovenská republika

Finland/Suomi 17/02

Bundesrepublik Deutschland/Bundesrepublik Deutschland



Both the commission services and EU Regional Policy Commissioner, Johannes Hahn i have underlined that quality is more important than speed.

The 18 remaining official Partnership Agreement proposals are to be submitted to the Commission by 22 April, for adoption as soon as possible so that programme funding can begin.