EP this week: Draghi visit, International Women's Day, Turkey

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 3 maart 2014.

Mario Draghi i, president of the European Central Bank, will appear in front of the economic affairs committee this week, while the foreign affairs committee will debate future relations with the Eastern Partnership countries and asses Turkey’s progress towards EU membership. There will also be a conference with European and national parliamentarians on violence against women and a workshop on women in politics this week in the lead up to International Women’s Day on 8 March.

On Monday Mr Draghi, chair of both the European Central Bank and the European Systemic Risk Board, attends a meeting held by the economic affairs committee to discuss the banking union and inflation.

Also on Monday, the foreign affairs committee assesses Turkey’s progress towards EU membership over the last year and votes on a draft resolution. It will also discuss a blueprint for future relations with Ukraine and the other Eastern Partnership countries, namely Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Moldova.

MEPs from the environment committee meet on Tuesday with Council representatives for a new round of negotiations on the emissions trading scheme for the aviation sector.

International Women’s Day will be held on Saturday 8 March. Ahead of this, the European Parliament highlights violence against women in an interparliamentary conference on Wednesday organised by MEPs with the participation of national parliamentarians. Mikael Gustafsson i, a Swedish member of the GUE group who is the chair of the women's rights committee, will discuss International Women's Day with our fans on Facebook, this Wednesday at 13.30 CET.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Parliament also holds a workshop with journalists on women in politics ahead of the European elections. The workshop will be streamed live on our website

Commissioners Janusz Lewandowski i and Kristalina Georgieva i will debate additional financing for Syrian refugees with the development and budget committees on Tuesday.

On Tuesday Emily O'Reilly, the European Ombudsman, organises an interactive event in Parliament to create a people's wish list ahead of the European Elections in May. EP President Martin Schulz i will participate.

Political groups will also prepare next week’s plenary. The agenda includes legislation on the Single European Sky, money laundering and data protection .

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