Μigratory pressures, border security, data protection and the European Public Prosecutor on the JHA agenda
The European Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation and Training (Europol), the migratory pressures, operational actions for increasing border security, data protection and the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office are the key issues on the JHA Council that will be held in Brussels on March 3-4.
Home Affairs
EU Ministers for Home Affairs will discuss issues regarding security of European borders, trends of mixed migrations flows, as well as the future direction in the JHA field.
The Greek Presidency represented by the Minister οf Public Order and Citizen Protection, Nikos Dendias, and Minister of Interior Giannis Michelakis, will present the work programme on the Home Affairs items on March 3.
Initially, the Council will hold a policy debate on the proposal for a Regulation concerning the European Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation and Training (Europol). Ministers will pursue the conclusion of an agreement in terms of the future of both Europol and Cepol in order to finalize the discussions at expert level.
The Commission will present in broad lines its forthcoming communication on the future development of the Justice and Home Affairs area. Ministers will have the opportunity to express their initial reactions to this presentation.
During the European meeting, the Council will be briefed by the Commission, the EEAS, FRONTEX and EASO on the latest developments and trends concerning the migratory flows towards Europe. Ministers will have the opportunity to exchange views in this issue. The Commission will inform the Ministers on the state of play of the implementation of the operational actions of the Task Force Mediterranean.
Moreover, the Commission will give information on the progress of the legislation proposals in terms of ‘Smart Borders’, as well as of the implementation of the financial programmes for the time period 2014-2020.
During the Mixed Committee meeting that will be hold in the frame of the Council of The European Union with the participation of Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Switzerland, the Swiss delegation will update ministers about the outcome of the constitutional referendum entitled ‘Against mass immigration’ held on 9 February 2014.
The Greek Presidency will provide an update on the current legislative initiatives in the area of legal migration, that is, on the proposals for Directives of the European Parliament and the Council on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of research, studies, pupil exchange, remunerated and unremunerated training, voluntary service and au pairing and on the conditions of entry and residence of third country nationals in the framework of an inter-corporate transfer (ICTs).
The Mixed Committee under the chair of Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights Charalampos Athanasiou will look at the progress achieved at technical level regarding the Directive on processing personal data to prevent, investigate, detect or prosecute criminal offences or enforce criminal penalties. The proposal aims to ensure a consistent and high level of data protection in this field, enhance mutual trust between police and judicial authorities of different Member States and facilitate the free flow of data and co-operation between police and judicial authorities.
In the margin of the JHA Council meeting, the Joint Declaration establishing a Mobility Partnership between the EU and Tunisia will be singed, in the framework of promoting cooperation between the EU and third countries of particular migration interest.
Τhe agreement regarding the draft Regulation establishing rules for the surveillance of the External Sea-Borders in the context of operational co-operation coordinated by the European Agency for the management of operational cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the EU Frontex, constitutes a great achievement for Europe and for the Greek Presidency.
For Europe, because Europe acquires a wholly integrated constitutional framework for the joint operations at sea, in full compliance with International Law and Human Rights. For the Greek Presidency because, first of all it is a step in the effort that the Prime Minister of Greece initiated in December, for a new European Policy on Migration and it proves our total dedication to the integrity of the European Borders with full respect for Human Rights and the protection of Human Life at sea.
On the second day, the Council chaired by Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights Charalampos Athanasiou will discuss one of the key priorities of the Greek Presidency in the field of Justice, the Data Protection Regulation. The Regulation is part of the data protection package presented by the European Commission two years ago. Efficient data protection will benefit not only citizens who want to be able to trust online services, but also the small and medium sized businesses looking at a single market of more than 500 million consumers as an untapped opportunity.
The establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), which will investigate, prosecute and bring to courts cases of fraud and other illegal activities affecting the financial interests of the Union, has also been a key priority of the Greek Presidency from the outset. Ministers will present their positions on the structure of the Office, on the delimitation of its tasks and competences and on the regime of procedural rights applicable to suspects and victims.
The Council will hold an orientation debate on the proposal for a Directive strengthening procedural safeguards for children suspected or accused in criminal proceedings. The proposal, which was presented by the European Commission during the Informal Meeting of the EU Justice Ministers on January 23 in Athens, aims at ensuring that children are able to understand and follow the criminal proceedings to which they are subject, and that they can exercise their right to a fair trial.
The Council will be informed about the state of play of the proposal for a Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1336/2000 on insolvency proceedings. Modernising the EU’s insolvency rules will facilitate the survival and recovery of viable businesses and present a second chance for entrepreneurs.
The Commission will make a short oral presentation of the 2014 Justice Scoreboard, which provides comparable data on the functioning of the justice systems in the EU. The functioning of the civil and commercial justice systems is also the focus of the Council conclusions, which Member States will be asked to endorse. In the draft conclusions Member States recognise the efforts of the Commission to improve the effectiveness of national judicial systems. However, they highlight the need to take more account of national values, constitutional traditions and the diversity of the judicial systems and to work intense on exchanging ideas, best practices etc.
The European Commission is expected to present the 6th annual EU Disability High Level Group Report, which gives an overview of progress made in ratifying and implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. An oral presentation by the Commission on the main aspects of its forthcoming communication on in the JHA area is also on the agenda.