Ukraine: MEPs call for EU travel ban and financial support
The EU and its member states should prepare targeted sanctions, such as travel ban and freezing the EU assets of those personally responsible for killings of Ukrainian protesters, say MEPs in a resolution voted on Thursday. They also call for EU financial support for Ukraine. In a separate resolution, also voted on Thursday, MEPs urge Russia to respect the right of Ukrainian citizens to decide the future of their country.
The resolution condemns violence against peaceful protestors in Ukraine and urges the EU and its member states to prepare sanctions, such as a travel ban and an EU asset and property freeze, on Ukrainian officials, legislators and oligarchs personally responsible for the attacks on and deaths of protestors.
MEPs also call for an EU "long-term package of concrete financial support for Ukraine" and saythat a support package should be offered to a credible new interim government to alleviate the tight payments situation.
Stop violence and release protesters
MEPs condemn excessive violence by the Ukrainian security forces, the Berkut riot police and allegedly government-sponsored "Titushki" hooligan groups, against the EuroMaidan square protesters, and call on the Ukrainian authorities to investigate and punish the perpetrators of violence, citing in particular the case of the protesters’ leader Dmytro Bulatov. MEPs also call on the Maidan protesters to refrain from using force, so as to “maintain the legitimacy of their cause".
MEPs regret the recently adopted Ukrainian amnesty which had turned "victims into hostages" and ask for an unconditional release of all protesters.
Permanent European Parliament mission to Ukraine
Citing requests from Ukrainian citizens, activists and politicians, MEPs ask the European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (EP President and political group leaders) to establish a permanent mission of MEPs in Ukraine as soon as possible, to facilitate dialogue between the parties.
Russia must respect the right of its neighbours to choose ties with EU
In a separate resolution, MEPs criticise Russia for exerting economic and political pressure on the EU's eastern neighbourhood countries. They say Russia must respect the right of its neighbours to choose ties with the EU and oppose Russia’s "intention" to treat the EU Eastern Partnership region as its sphere of influence. "Ukrainian citizens alone have the right to decide the future of their country”, they add.
Procedure: non-legislative resolutions
REF. : 20140203IPR34628
Updated: ( 10-02-2014 - 11:59)
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