Human rights: situation in Thailand; Transnistria; Bahrain

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 6 februari 2014.

Parliament passed three separate resolutions on Thursday, calling on all parties in Thailand to respect the rule of law and democratic principles; demanding full respect for the right to education and an end to all forms of pressure against Romanian teaching institutions in the Transnistrian region; and condemning all human rights violations in Bahrain, while expressing grave concern at the treatment of Nabeel Rajab and other human rights activists.


"Elections must be free and fair," insist MEPs who condemn "the destructive actions of anti-government protestors who prevented voters from casting their ballots" in the recent elections. "Both government supporters and anti-government demonstrators should refrain from any political violence and move forward within Thailand's democratic and constitutional framework", they add. MEPs call on the authorities to fully investigate the recent cases of violence and prosecute those responsible.

Transnistrian region

Parliament condemns "the increased administrative pressure being exercised by the self-proclaimed authorities in Transnistria" towards Romanian teaching institutions, and calls for "greater involvement of the EU in solving this conflict in its immediate neighbourhood". It wants "a speedy procedure" for visa liberalisation with Moldova and the "speeding up the technical procedures leading to the signing and provisional application of the Association Agreement".

MEPs call also on the OSCE "to continue its monitoring and negotiation facilitation activities and to defend the right to education of the students of the Romanian-language schools in Transnistria".


MEPs insist on "for the immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience, political activists, journalists, human rights defenders and peaceful protesters, including Nabeel Rajab, Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, Ibrahim Sharif, Naji Fateel, and Zainab Al-Khawaja". They express "grave concern regarding the Bahraini authorities’ treatment of Nabeel Rajab and other human rights activists, in addition to their refusal to grant him the early release for which he is eligible in accordance with the law."

The EU foreign policy chief and member countries should work together "to develop a clear strategy" in respect of EU actions "to actively push for the release of the imprisoned activists and prisoners of conscience", say MEPs.

REF. : 20140203IPR34514

Updated: ( 10-02-2014 - 11:38)


  • Raluca Viviana HULUBAN
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