Safer Internet Day events in Brussels: Neelie Kroes hand out prizes for Best Online Content for Kids

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Communicatienetwerken, Inhoud en Technologie (CNECT) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 27 januari 2014.

The Safer Internet Day on 11 February 2014 is celebrated across the globe, with over 100 countries participating.

Supported by the European Commission Better Internet for Kids policy and programme, the Safer Internet Day is all about creating awareness about online rights and responsibilities for a better digital environment for minors.

The strapline for 2014 is Let's create better Internet together and it is in this spirit that stakeholders are joining for various events. Also in Brussels, on that day the Commission is planning events.

First, this is an excellent opportunity for a 360 degree stakeholder approach: a high level/expert round table chaired by Director General Robert Madelin, gathering national and international policy makers, top tech companies from the CEO Coalition, NGOs, researchers/experts and youth, will discuss future and emerging trends for Better Internet for Kids.

Vice-President Neelie Kroes i will be handing out the European Awards for Best Online Content for Kids. The winners have been selected from over 1100 entries from all over Europe and beyond. Several of the winners are actually themselves kids and young people who code, create websites and blogs for their peers - after all, who better to understand and design these ideas than kids themselves! Also, there is the launch of the Youth Manifesto in preparation - on how to make the Internet a better place for youth.

There is certainly also an event near you where you can join as well - or even - if you have a good idea how to celebrate, you can still submit it to the Safer Internet Centre/Committee in your country via this page.

We wish you a happy and instructive Safer Internet Day!
