Greek Presidency Priorities - Education, Training and Youth

Met dank overgenomen van Grieks voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2014 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 21 januari 2014, 19:34.

The priorities of Greek Presidency were outlined by the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Konstantinos Arvanitopoulos, to the Committee CULT of the European  iParliament. Key points: «Education is a significant driving force for both economic and social growth and the prevention and tackling of unemployment. Modern school faces fundamental dilemmas which concern not only the content and quality of the knowledge provided but also the organizational structure and functioning of the education community on the whole, particularly now within a broader context of global social and economic crisis.

Nevertheless, the current need is defined in terms of creating a culture of learning, which will put emphasis on a long term continuing learning process, starting from pre-school age to senior citizens and will cover all types of education and training, governed by the humanistic principles of social equity and social cohesion. Within this context, the priorities of the Greek Presidency of the Council of European Union in the sectors of Education, Training and Youth are structured along the following thematic pillars: 1) quality assurance at all levels of education and training and all agents of the education process 2) effective and innovative education and training, 3) social cohesion and 4) youth, culture and entrepreneurship as well as enlargement and deepening of the structured dialogue for young people. Education in Europe, as well as education for and with Europe, contributes to the revitalization of the Union ideal: to the development of a Europe, capable to face challenges with a vision, a plan and solidarity particularly in periods of economic and social crisis like the present. Solidarity is of significant importance, given that the economic crisis, the demographic changes, the environmental and technological challenges as well as the pace of changes in the global constants, highlight the importance of mutual synergies focusing on our common interest. We understand that the time limit of 6 months of our Presidency, does not allow for large-scale changes. However, we will put our mark on crucial for education issues. We need to succeed for our young people, to achieve a Europe of learning, knowledge and values».