Eurocommissarissen Oettinger en Griekse minister Maniatis naar EU-Rusland Permanente Partnerschapsraad in Moskou, 17 januari 2014 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Grieks voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2014 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 16 januari 2014, 16:11.

Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Yiannis Maniatis, and Commissioner for Energy, Günther Oettinger i, are visiting Moscow today, Thursday, 16 January, in order to participate at the 8th meeting of the EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council on Friday, 17 January.

The meeting takes place within the context of the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue, which was established at the 6th meeting of the EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council in Paris in 2000 and the Greek Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change will participate in the framework of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The aim of the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue is to provide reliability and security in energy relations in the free market and increase confidence and transparency on both sides.

The agenda of the meeting includes issues related to energy legislation in the EU and Russia and how this affects the relations between the two partners, key issues of energy cooperation in natural gas, electricity and nuclear power and further promotion of the Dialogue between the EU and Russia on Energy.