Raad Landbouw: visserij Zwarte Zee onder vergrootglas en documenten GLB getekend (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 18 december 2013.


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3285th Council meeting

Agriculture and Fisheries

Brussels, 16 and 17 December 2013

President            Vigilijus JUKNA

Minister for Agriculture of Lithuania

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

Main results of the Council

(1st day of meeting)

Concerning fisheries, the ministers reached a political agreement on fishing opportunities 2014 for certain fish stocks in the Black Sea. The main element of the Presidency compromise endorsed by the Commission is a roll-over in the EU total allowable catches (TACs) in the Black Sea for turbot and sprat. Control and monitoring measures for these fish stocks will be reinforced.

As regards agriculture, the Commission presented to the Council its proposal for a regulation on promotion measures for agricultural products. Most member states welcomed the proposal and acknowledged the fact that the current context, in which the EU agriculture is faced with a much more competitive environment, calls for a renewed policy of promotion. However many countries pointed out the need for the member states to be better involved in the process.

Finally, the Council adopted the common agricultural policy (CAP) reform package and transitional CAP measures for 2014 following a first-reading agreement with the European Parliament. The CAP reform package includes regulations on direct payments, common organisation of the markets, rural development and financing of the CAP. With this adoption, the Lithuanian Presidency finalises the process initiated in 2011 and sets out the new rules for the CAP in the next seven-year period, in order to equip the European agricultural sector for the opportunities and challenges of the future.

The Council also adopted without discussion a number of items including: the appointment of Danièle 2ouy as head of ECB supervisory board, decision clarifying provisions on the timing of auctions of greenhouse gas allowances and the cohesion policy package for 2014-2020.

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013





Fishing opportunities for 2014 in the Black Sea..................................................................................8


Information and promotion measures for agricultural products........................................................10

Any other business.............................................................................................................................12

Emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants............................................................................................12

Public consultation on organic farming.................................................................................................................12

Conference on the dairy sector..............................................................................................................................13

Rice market............................................................................................................................................................14

"Traffic lights" nutrition labelling system.............................................................................................................15

Package on animal health, plant health and control...............................................................................................15

Market access to Russia.........................................................................................................................................16

1 Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks

  • • 
    Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press Office

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013



Partnership agreement between EU and Seychelles - New protocol.....................................................................17

Partnership agreement between EU and the Comoros - New protocol..................................................................17

Partnership between EU and Senegal - Negotiations for a new protocol to the agreement...................................18

Partnership between EU and Madagascar - Negotiations for a new protocol to the agreement............................18

Partnership agreement between EU and Morocco - Conclusion of a new protocol..............................................18


CAP reform package and transitional measures 2014...........................................................................................19

Domestic swine - Post mortem inspection requirements.......................................................................................20



Cohesion package for 2014-2020*........................................................................................................................21

  • Statistical programme............................................................................................................................................22


EU relations with Andorra, Monaco and San Marino...........................................................................................22


Union Civil Protection Mechanism.......................................................................................................................22

Financing programmes in the area of justice and fundamental rights 2014-2020.................................................23


EU ETS - adaptation of the timetable of auctions of greenhouse gas allowances.................................................23

Exemption for lead - delegated acts.......................................................................................................................24

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013


Moldova - Trade preferences.................................................................................................................................26

Anti-dumping - Mesh fabrics of glass fibres - India and Indonesia.......................................................................26

General agreement on trade in services - Bulgaria and Romania..........................................................................27


Rail interoperability - noise pollution....................................................................................................................27


Globalisation adjustment fund...............................................................................................................................28

Community statistics on income and living conditions.........................................................................................28


Statistics on public health and health and safety at work......................................................................................28


Euratom programme for nuclear research (2014 to 2018).....................................................................................29


Committee of the Regions.....................................................................................................................................29


16 and 17 December 2013


The governments of the member states and the European Commission were represented as follows:





Mr Dimitar GREKOV

Czech Republic:

Mr Miroslav TOMAN






Mr Clyde KULL


Mr Simon COVEY


Mr Athanasios TSAFTARIS





Mr Stéphane LE FOLL










Mr Vigilijus JUKNA




Mr Fernand ETG



Minister-President of the Flemish Government and Flemish Minister for the Economy, Foreign Policy, Agriculture and Rural Policy

Minister for the Middle Classes, SMEs, the Self-employed and Agriculture

Minister for Agriculture and Food

Minister for Agriculture

Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries

Deputy Permanent Representative

Deputy Permanent Representative

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Minister for Rural Development and Food Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Environment

Minister with responsibility for Transport, Oceans and

Fisheries, attached to the Minister for Ecology,

Sustainable Development and Energy

Minister for Agriculture, the Food Processing Industry and


Minister for Agriculture

Minister for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policy

Minister for Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment

Minister for Agriculture

Minister for Agriculture Deputy Minister for Agriculture Chancellor to the Ministry of Agriculture

Minister for Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development, Parliamentary Relations and Consumer Protection

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development Deputy Secretary of State for Agricultural Economy


16 and 17 December 2013


Mr Roderick GALDES


Ms Sharon DIJKSMA i




Mr Stanisław KALEMBA Mr Kazimierz PLOCKE


Ms Assunção CRISTAS




Ms Ana Lucia VARGA



Mr Dejan ŽIDAN








United Kingdom:




Ms Michelle O’NEIL

Parliamentary Secretary foe Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights

Minister for Agriculture

Deputy Permanent Representative

Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Minister for Agriculture and Maritime Affairs State Secretary for Agriculture State Secretary for Maritime Affairs

Minister with responsibility for Water, Forestry and Fish


State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Agriculture and the


Deputy Permanent Representative

State Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

Minister for Rural Affairs

Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural


Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Natural

Environment, Water and Rural Affairs

Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment

Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and

European Programmes

Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development


Mr Tonio BORG i Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ i Ms Maria DAMANAKI i

Member Member Member


16 and 17 December 2013


Fishing opportunities for 2014 in the Black Sea

Ministers reached a political agreement on a regulation fixing for 2014 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks applicable in the Black Sea () on the basis of a Presidency compromise, drawn up in agreement with the Commission

The Council will adopt this regulation, after finalisation by the legal/linguistic experts, through a written procedure

The main element of the Presidency compromise endorsed by the Commission is a roll-over in the EU total allowable catches (TACs) in the Black Sea for turbot and sprat

The following table sets out the indicative values of the TACs in the Black Sea for 2014 compared with those for 2013 and the Commission proposal


Species Latin name





nom français

ICES fishing zone







for 2014



TAC 2013 /




Psetta maxima



Black Sea (TUR/F3742C)






Sprattus sprattus



Black Sea (SPR/F3742C)






The Council, the Commission and the Member States concerned agreed it was appropriate to reinforce the control and monitoring measures established in 2012 and 2013 (in particular inspection schemes and benchmarks) in order to address the misreporting an illegal fishery for turbot in the Black Sea. Such measures have been developed jointly by Member States concerned and the Commission in 2012 and 2013

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

In addition, the Council and the Commission agreed that existing regional cooperation on fishing in the Black Sea should be further enhanced to promote sustainable stock management in this area in particular in the framework of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) and that they would each take actions in line with their competence including possible establishment of international management measures, such as long term management plans

According to Article 43(3) of the Treaty, the Council adopts measures on a proposal from the Commission on the fixing and allocation of fishing opportunities in the Black Sea

As the existing provisions are applicable until 31 December 2013 the regulation will apply from 1 January 2014

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013


Information and promotion measures for agricultural products

The Council was briefed by the Commission on its proposal for a regulation on information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products on the internal market and in third countries ().

Member states generally welcomed the proposal and took note of its ambition to better valorise the EU agri-food industry. However many of them expressed concerns about the suppression of the possibility to provide a national cofinancing support of the promotion measures; they also pointed out the need to better involve member states in the whole process of promotion from the selection of the measures. Some countries would like to enlarge the list of products covered by the measures and some others insisted on the need to have a close check on the use of the budget of promotion considering its increase scheduled in the proposal

The production of and trading in agricultural and agri-food products constitute a major asset for the EU. In this regard it is crucial that EU agriculture and the agri-food industry maintain and increase their competitiveness and their market shares on both the internal and export markets. However, European agriculture is faced today with a much more competitive environment, largely resulting from the globalisation of markets, and this trend should continue in the coming years

Nevertheless, on the internal market the logos on products that benefit from EU quality scheme logo such as protected designation of origin (PDO) or protected geographical indication (PGI) are generally not recognised. The same goes for exports where the effort of investing in marketing and selling on distant markets represents a challenge for a sector essentially made up of SMEs

This context calls for a renewed policy of promotion, one which learns from the lessons of the promotional programmes implemented to date and which represents an additional stage in the modernisation of the common agricultural policy (CAP)

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

Measures will follow a strategy of identifying priorities on markets and products or messages to be highlighted. As the CAP reform encourages farmers to organise themselves, the scheme should be opened up to new beneficiaries, such as producer organisations. Strict guidelines should be established as regards the possibilities of mentioning the origin of products or brand names as a means of illustrating the main generic message highlighting the intrinsic characteristics of European agricultural products Programmes submitted by operators from different Member States to promote the diversity of European agricultural products will be encouraged as part of the reform of the promotion policy. The proposal includes the development of new technical support services for stakeholders, favouring the exchange of information on information provision and promotion measures or good practices and allowing their expertise to be developed. It also aims to simplify the management of the information and promotion policy Managing multi-country programmes would make them easier to set up and implement

Compared to the present situation, the proposal suggests a gradual but significant increase in the budget allocated to information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products (from EUR 61.5 million in the 2013 budget to EUR 200 million in 2020)

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

Any other business

Emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants

At the request of the German delegation with the support of Denmark and Luxemburg, ministers were briefed by the Commission on the amendment of Directive /EC on national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants ("NEC Directive") ().

Several member states supported Germany in its request to the Commission for a cautious approach when it will soon propose a revision of the NEC Directive setting emission ceilings. They highlighted that for the EU agriculture, emission reduction obligations could have significant implications, in particular as regards ammonia, as the farming sector accounts for more than 90 % of such emissions (in particular the animal sector). The Commission will keep the Council informed on this issue

Public consultation on organic f arming

The Council was briefed on the main results of the public consultation on organic farming conducted by the Commission from 15 January until 10 April 2013 ().

If member States welcomed the results of the public consultation on organic farming showing the huge interest of the citizens, they urged the Commission to be cautious with the review of the legal framework on this issue announced for March 2014 on the basis of this consultation. They considered that the current legal framework on organic farming is quite recent and that any review should not constitute a gap with the current provisions

The public and stakeholders were consulted via an online questionnaire, which received close to 45,000 responses. The report on the public consultation highlights that consumers trust organic products (71 %), that they buy them mainly out of concern about the environment (83%), and because they are free from GMOs and pesticide residues (81%). The vast majority (78%) also indicated that they were prepared to pay more for organic goods. The report also showed a very strong demand for harmonised rules at EU level. In addition, more than half of the interviewees also called strongly for an improved European control system for organic products

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

Conference on the dairy sector

The Commission presented the main outcomes of the conference on "The EU dairy sector: developing beyond 2015" which took place in Brussels on 24 September 2013 ()

The conference explored future trends in the EU milk sector beyond 2015, in the context of the abolition of the milk quota system in 2015. In order to prepare the sector for this new operating environment, a series of new instruments has been developed in the context of the Milk Package

Some member states considered that, on the basis of the outcome of the conference, and beyond the "safety net" provisions provided in the CAP reform, the Commission should propose targeted measures for vulnerable milk production areas which could be affected by the end of quota in 2015. However some other member states favoured instead measure to ensure a "soft landing" of the system after 2015 which would facilitate the transition to a system without a supply control mechanism. This would concern in particular members states exceeding already their milk quotas

The Commission announced the establishment of a market observatory for milk which will allow to ensure a close monitoring of this sector. In addition, the Commission will prepare a report by 30 June 2014 regarding the development of the market situation in the milk sector as provided for by the Milk Package regulation. This will help to evaluate whether additional actions for this sector will be necessary in this context

Local farming

Ministers took stock of a report presented by the Commission on the case for a new local farming and direct sales labelling scheme to assist producers in marketing their produce locally ()

This report is provided for in regulation on quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs. In this document, the Commission has provided factual elements to facilitate a debate on whether a new EU label should be considered as well as on the broader issues of local farming and direct sales

The report considers that local farming and direct sales are a reality within the European Union and will continue to be part of European agriculture. This report has shown the following:

–           There is a demand for a genuine farm product sold in short food supply chains, as well as

the need to identify it

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

There are large differences among the member states with regard to development of direct sales

The development of short supply chains faces numerous challenges which should be addressed with instruments available at EU and national level other than a labelling scheme

A possible new label should be simple and unburdensome for producers while at the same time being controllable and ensuring sufficient credibility for consumers and avoiding confusion

A new label could add value to products generated from local agriculture if it went beyond direct sales and if member states were to ensure that it is integrated with or linked to other measures

Rice market

The Italian delegation, supported by Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, France and Portugal, underlined the difficult situation that the EU rice sector is facing in particular with the increase of EU imports of this product ().

Italy noted that in some EU regions, rice cultivation represents the most important agricultural activity of the area but, over the past few years, this sector has gradually been losing profitability and the rice cultivated surfaces are progressively reduced. This situation is made worse by the increase of EU imports of milled rice from least developed countries (LDCs) and from other countries with which the EU has bilateral agreements

While taking note of the concerns of Italy and some member states, the Commission recalled that for some rice varieties, the EU is largely dependent from its imports. It noted also that in a first assessment no brutal imbalance has yet been observed in the rice market. However, the Commission said it was ready to initiate formal action on the basis of convergent data showing a risk of major crisis

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

"Traffic lights" nutrition labelling system

The Italian delegation, supported by Croatia, expressed concerns about the possible impact of a recommendation of the British Department of Health for a "traffic lights" nutrition labelling system ()

Italy received support from many delegations worried about the potential consequences of this labelling system on the free movement of goods. This could mislead the consumer by providing wrong health information and could affect specifically the circulation of traditional regional food products wrongly stigmatised by this colour system

The Commission recalled that the system developed by the United Kingdom is a voluntary system made possible by the legislation on labelling which develops also mandatory provisions. It proposes a front-of-pack nutrition labelling for food products. This system combines red, amber and green colour-coding and nutritional information to highlight information on energy and certain nutrients – fats, saturates, sugars and salt – which can have been shown to harm people’s health if eaten in large quantities. However, the Commission is ready to prepare a report in due course on all the labelling systems put in place by the member states in the framework of the current legislation

Package on animal health, plant health and control

The Presidency presented to the Council its progress report on the package for animal and plant health, seeds, control and expenditure

Several member states raised concerns on specific aspects of this whole package. However the Presidency and the Commission considered that a political agreement with the European Parliament could be found in the coming week on the issue of expenditure. The incoming Greek Presidency will continue the work on the other issues of the package

This package of measures aims to strengthen the enforcement of health and safety standards for the whole agri-food chain. The package comprises proposals for regulations:

– to review the regulatory framework on plant health;

– to ensure the health, identity and quality of plant reproductive material;

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

to simplify the body of legislation that regulates animal health;

to review and clarify the rules on official controls along the food chain;

to manage expenditures through a common financial framework for food and feed

modernising the existing financial provisions

Work on this package in the Council began in June this year

Market access to Russia

The Presidency briefed the Council on the ban decided by the Russian Federation as regards EU exports of seed and ware potatoes, plants for planting of fruit, ornamental plants and some forest-ornamental material

The Commission worked closely with the Russian authorities to remove the ban and expressed a cautious optimism to find a solution very soon

On 6 February 2013 the Russian authorities notified the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on a temporary ban to exports of plants and plant products from the EU to the Russian market. A dispute settlement procedure within the "WTO-SPS Committee" may be initiated in the event that an agreement at technical level fails

At its session on 19 March 2013 the Council examined this issue in the light of a note presented by the delegation of the Netherlands ().

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013



Partnership agreement between EU and Seychelles - New protocol

The Council adopted a decision on the signing on behalf of the EU, and on the provisional application of the protocol setting out fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for in the fisheries partnership agreement (FPA) between the EU and the Republic of Seychelles (, ).

The partnership agreement in the fisheries sector between the EU and Seychelles was concluded in 2006. The main objective of the protocol to this FPA is to define the fishing opportunities offered to EU vessels as well as the financial contribution due, separately, for access rights and for sectoral support. Following negotiations, a new protocol was initialled on 10 May 2013. The new protocol covers a period of 6 years from the date of its provisionnal application. In order to allow EU vessels to carry on fishing activities, as the current protocol expires on 17 January 2014, the new one should be applied on a provisional basis as from 18 January 2014, pending completion of the procedures for its formal conclusion

In addition to the signing and the provisional application of this new protocol, the Council adopted also a regulation concerning the allocation of fishing opportunities between member states (). The Council also requested for the consent of the European Parliament on the conclusion of this protocol

Partnership agreement between EU and the Comoros - New protocol

The Council adopted a decision on the signing on behalf of the EU, and on the provisional application of the protocol between the EU and the Union of the Comoros setting out fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for in the fisheries partnership agreement (FPA) currently in force between the two parties (, ).

The partnership agreement in the fisheries sector between the EU and the Comoros was concluded in 2006. The main objective of the protocol to this FPA is to define the fishing opportunities offered to EU vessels as well as the financial contribution due, separately, for access rights and for sectoral support. Following negotiations, a new protocol was initialled on 5 July 2013. The new protocol covers a period of 3 years from the date of its provisionnal application. In order to allow EU vessels to carry on fishing activities, as the current protocol expires on 30 December 2013, the new one should be applied on a provisional basis as from 1 January 2014 pending completion of the procedures for its formal conclusion

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

In addition to the signing and the provisional application of this new protocol, the Council adopted also a regulation concerning the allocation of fishing opportunities between member states (). The Council also requested for the consent of the European Parliament on the conclusion of this protocol

Partnership between EU and Senegal - Negotiations for a new protocol to the agreement

The Council adopted a decision authorising the Commission to open negotiations on behalf of the EU for a new fisheries partnership agreement (FPA) and protocol with the Republic of Senegal

The FPA and protocol between the EU and Senegal should be in line with the 19 March 2012 Council conclusions on the Commission communication of 13 July 2011 on the external dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy

Partnership between EU and Madagascar - Negotiations for a new protocol to the agreement

The Council adopted an amendment to regulation on the allocation of the fishing opportunities under the protocol agreed between the EU and the Republic of Madagascar setting out fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) between the two parties currently in force ()

In September 2012, the joint committee, provided for in the FPA, examined the issue of sharks caught in association with fisheries managed by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC). It concluded, on the basis of records of catches for the period 2007-2011 of surface longliners authorised to fish under the previous protocol to the FPA that it would be appropriate to limit shark catches by such vessels to a maximum of 200 tonnes annually from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2014, thereby freezing the fishing pressure on these shark stocks in line with the recommendation issued by the IOTC Scientific Committee. The amendment of regulation provides for a reduction of the shark catches and the allocation among the member states for the period of application of the new protocol

Partnership agreement between EU and Morocco - Conclusion of a new protocol

The Council adopted a decision on the conclusion on behalf of the EU of the protocol between the EU and the Kingdom of Morocco setting out fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for in the fisheries partnership agreement (FPA) in force between the two parties (, ).

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

The FPA in the fisheries sector between the EU and Morocco was concluded in 2006. The main objective of the protocol to this FPA is to define the fishing opportunities offered to EU vessels as well as the financial contribution due, separately, for access rights and for sectoral support

Following negotiations, the new protocol was initialled on 24 July 2013. The new protocol covers a period of four years from the 18 November 2013, date of its signature between the parties. The European Parliament gave its consent on the conclusion of the protocol on 10 December 2013. As no provisional application of this protocol was foreseen, it applies from the date of the decision to conclude this protocol. The regulation concerning the allocation of fishing opportunities between member states (/13) was adopted by the Council on 15 November 2013

The application of the previous protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the FPA ended on 20 December 2011 when the European Parliament refused to give its consent at this time


CAP reform package and transitional measures 2014

Council adopted the common agriculture policy (CAP) reform package following a first reading agreement with the European Parliament

This reform sets out the new rules for the CAP in the next seven-year period, in order to equip the European agricultural sector for the opportunities and challenges of the future. The main objectives of the reform are to make the CAP greener and better targeted, with a more equitable distribution of income support to farmers across the Union and a more effective rural development policy

The CAP reform package comprises four main legal texts:

the regulation establishing rules for direct payments to farmers (95/13);

the regulation establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products (96/13);

the regulation on support for rural development (93/13);

the regulation on the financing, management and monitoring of the CAP (horizontal regulation) (94/13).

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

The package also includes a transitional regulation for the year 2014 () to bridge the gap between the existing legal framework and the elements of the reform for which it was decided that they will apply only from 2015 (particularly as regards direct payments and rural development), in order to give Member States sufficient time to roll out the new policy on the ground

Finally, as part of the CAP reform package, the Council also adopted a regulation determining measures on fixing certain aids and refunds related to the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products (). This regulation sets out the market management measures to be decided upon by Council on its own under Article 43(3) TFEU

For further information, please see document ()

Domestic swine - Post mortem inspection requirements

The Council decided not to oppose the adoption of a Commission's amendment to annex I to regulation as regards the specific requirements for post-mortem inspection of domestic swine ()

Regulation lays down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin. It provides, inter alia, that member states are to ensure that official controls with respect to fresh meat take place in accordance with Annex I thereto. Regulation (EC) No also provides that the official veterinarian is to carry out inspection tasks in slaughterhouses, game handling establishments and cutting plants placing fresh meat on the market

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) adopted in October 2011 a scientific opinion, which concluded that the currently required palpations and incisions in post-mortem inspection of swine meat should be omitted. These practices involve a higher risk of cross contamination with bacterial hazards than the risk associated with potentially reduced detection of conditions targeted by those techniques. In view of the EFSA opinion, the Commission proposed to amend the specific requirements for the post-mortem inspection of domestic swine set out in annex I to regulation

These Commission regulations are subject to the so called regulatory procedure with scrutiny. This means that now that the Council has given its consent, the Commission may adopt the regulation, unless the European Parliament objects

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013


European Central Bank - Nomination

The Council adopted a decision appointing Danièle Nouy as the first-ever chairperson of the supervisory board of the European Central Bank

The ECB will have direct oversight of eurozone banks under the under the single supervisory mechanism (SSM) and will be responsible for the overall functioning of the new system. The supervisory board is expected to hold its first meeting in January, and Mrs Nouy will take up her duties on 3 January

The ECB will take up its supervisory tasks on 3 November 2014, subject to operational arrangements. Its proposal for Mrs Nouy's appointment was approved by the European Parliament on 11 December

For details, and Mrs Nouy's CV, see press release . GERAL AFFAIRS

Cohesion package for 2014-2020*

The Council today adopted the cohesion policy package for 2014-2020

The cohesion policy package consists of the following regulations:

the common provisions regulation setting out common rules governing the five European structural and investment funds, i.e. the European regional development fund, the European social fund, the cohesion fund, the European agricultural fund for rural development and the European maritime and fisheries fund (85/13 + ADD 1 + ADD 2 + ADD 3);

five fund-specific regulations for the European regional development fund (83/13 + ADD 1 + ADD 2), the European social fund (87/13), the cohesion fund (82/13 + ADD 1), the European territorial cooperation (81/13 + ADD 1) and the European grouping for territorial cooperation (84/13 + ADD 1).

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

The purpose of cohesion policy is to reduce disparities between the levels of development of the EU's various regions by promoting economic growth, job creation and competitiveness. Cohesion policy herewith contributes to the achievement of the Europe 2020 strategy objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

For details see .

Statistical programme

The Council adopted a regulation earmarking EUR 234.8 million for the implementation of the European statistical programme for the years 2014 to 2017 (PE-CONS ).

The programme is aimed at producing harmonised European statistics in order to contribute to the development, production and dissemination of common, comparable and reliable statistical information at Union level


EU relations with Andorra, Monaco and San Marino

The Council adopted conclusions on EU relations with the Principality of Andorra, the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of San Marino ().


Union Civil Protection Mechanism

The Council adopted a decision on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism (PE-CON)

The new legal instrument will improve the effectiveness of systems preventing, preparing for and responding to natural and man-made disasters of all kinds within and outside the EU

For more information see press release

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

Financing programmes in the area of justice and fundamental rights 2014-2020

The Council adopted two regulations establishing the financing programmes in the area of justice and fundamental rights within the framework of the Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2014-2020

The first regulation concerns the Justice programme (PE-CONS 90/13), a funding programme aiming to support actions with European added value in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters and judicial training

The second regulation concerns the Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme (PE-CONS 89/13) which is the successor to the three existing programmes: Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Daphne III and the "Antidiscrimination and Diversity" and "Gender Equality" sections of the Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity (PROGRESS)

For more information see press release

Automated data exchange with Finland

The Council adopted a decision on the launch of automated data exchange with regard to dactyloscopic data in Finland (). The evaluation procedure required by Council Decision /JHA1 concluded that the general provisions on data protection are fully implemented by Finland and therefore this country is entitled to start receiving and supplying personal data for the purpose of prevention and investigation of criminal offences, as from the date of the entry into force of this decision


EU ETS - adaptation of the timetable of auctions of greenhouse gas allowances

The Council adopted a decision amending the EU's emissions trading system directive (directive /EC) by clarifying provisions on the timing of auctions of greenhouse gas allowances (PE-CONS , ADD1). The Polish delegation voted against

1          OJ L 210, 6.8.2008

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

The adaptation by the Commission of the timetable of auctions will require a prior impact assessment of the risks of carbon leakage for particular industrial sectors. Such an adaptation can take place only once, in exceptional circumstances and during the third trading period, beginning in 2013, and only for a maximum number of 900 million allowances

For more information on the EU's emissions trading system see the Commission's website

Exemption for lead - delegated acts

The Council decided not to object the following Commission delegated directives amending, for the purposes of adapting to technical progress, directive /EU of the European Parliament and of the Council:

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead as an alloying element for bearings and wear surfaces in medical equipment exposed to ionising radiation ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead in solders, termination coatings of electrical and electronic components and printed circuit boards, connections of electrical wires, shields and enclosed connectors ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead acetate marker for use in stereotactic head frames for use with Computed Tomography and MRI and in positioning systems for gamma beam and particle therapy equipment ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for cadmium in phosphor coatings in image intensifiers for X-ray images until 31 December 2019 and in spare parts for X-ray systems placed on the EU market before 1 January 2020 ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead in solders on printed circuit boards, termination coatings of electrical and electronic components and coatings of printed circuit boards, solders for connecting wires and cables, solders connecting transducers and sensors that are used durably at a temperature below -20°C under normal operating and storage conditions ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead enabling vacuum tight connections between aluminium and steel in X-ray image intensifiers ();

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead in solders for mounting cadmium telluride and cadmium zinc telluride digital array detectors to printed circuit boards ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead in the surface coatings of pin connector systems requiring nonmagnetic connectors which are used durably at a temperature below -20°C under normal operating and storage conditions ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead and cadmium in metallic bonds creating superconducting magnetic circuits in MRI, SQUID, NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) or FTMS (Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer) detectors ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead as an activator in the fluorescent powder of discharge lamps when used for extracorporeal photopheresis lamps containing BSP (BaSi2O5:Pb) phosphors ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead in alloys, as a superconductor or thermal conductor, used in cryo-cooler cold heads and/or in cryo-cooled cold probes and/or in cryo-cooled equipotential bonding systems, in medical devices (category 8) and/or in industrial monitoring and control instruments ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for hexavalent chromium in alkali dispensers used to create photocathodes in X-ray image intensifiers until 31 December 2019 and in spare parts for X-ray systems placed on the EU market before 1 January 2020 ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead in solders on printed circuit boards of detectors and data acquisition units for Positron Emission Tomographs which are integrated into Magnetic Resonance Imaging equipment ();

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead in solders on populated printed circuit boards used in directive 93/42/EEC class IIa and IIb mobile medical devices other than portable emergency defibrillators ();

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

the annex III to directive /EU as regards an exemption for 3,5 mg mercury per lamp in single capped compact fluorescent lamps for general lighting purposes < 30 W with a lifetime equal to or above 20 000 h (); and

the annex IV to directive /EU as regards an exemption for lead, cadmium and hexavalent chromium in reused spare parts, recovered from medical devices placed on the market before 22 July 2014 and used in category 8 equipment placed on the market before 22 July 2021, provided that reuse takes place in auditable closed-loop business-to-business return systems, and that the reuse of parts is notified to the consumer ().

These directives are delegated acts pursuant to article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU. This means that now that the Council has given its consent, the acts can enter into force, unless the European Parliament objects to them


Moldova - Trade preferences

The Council adopted a decision on autonomous trade preferences for Moldova ().

Anti-dumping - Mesh fabrics of glass fibres - India and Indonesia

The Council adopted a regulation extending the anti-dumping duty imposed by regulation on imports of certain open mesh fabrics of glass fibres originating in China to those consigned from India and Indonesia ().

Generalised scheme of preferences

The Council decided not to object to the adoption by the Commission of a regulation amending the list of eligible beneficiary countries of the EU's scheme of generalised tariff preferences, in accordance with changes in their international status or classification (+ + ADD 1).

The draft regulation is a delegated act submitted by the Commission under article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The regulation can now enter into force, unless the European Parliament objects

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

General agreement on trade in services - Bulgaria and Romania

The Council adopted a decision approving the signing of agreements with Australia, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, India and Japan aimed at modifying commitments in the schedules of Bulgaria and Romania under the 1994 general agreement on trade in services ( + + ).

The modifications come on account of Bulgaria's and Romania's accession to the EU. TRANSPORT

Rail interoperability - noise pollution

The Council decided not to oppose adoption by the Commission of a directive amending annex III to directive - interoperability of the EU rail system - as far as noise pollution is concerned (). According to the draft directive, the design and operation of the rail system must not lead to an inadmissible level of noise generated by it in areas close to railway infrastructure and in the driver's cab

The draft directive is subject to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny. Now that the Council has given its consent, the Commission may adopt it, unless the European Parliament objects


Pension rights

The Council adopted an amended directive improving the acquisition and preservation of supplementary pension rights (in the context of occupational pensions) ( + ADD 1).

The directive aims to reduce the obstacles found within some supplementary pension schemes, so as to facilitate worker mobility. Furthermore the directive addresses the issue of a worker's right to information on how mobility will affect the acquisition and preservation of their supplementary pension rights (see also ).

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013

Globalisation adjustment fund

The Council adopted a regulation on the new European globalisation adjustment fund (EGF) so that the Fund can be operational from 1 January 2014 (99/13)

The EGF is a flexible tool, intended to support workers who lose their jobs and self-employed people whose activity has ceased. It facilitates the re-integration into employment in areas, sectors, territories or labour markets suffering the shock of serious economic disruption

The Fund will run for the next budget period (2014-2020) as a means for expressing solidarity in view of the ongoing crisis. It will continue to be financed outside the EU budget with a maximum annual amount of EUR 150 million (2011 prices) in order to provide support in situations of urgency and unexpected circumstances

Community statistics on income and living conditions

The Council decided not to oppose the adoption of a Commission's regulation implementing regulation (EC) No on Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) as regards the 2015 list of target secondary variables on social and cultural participation and material deprivation ().


Statistics on public health and health and safety at work

The Council decided not to oppose the adoption of a Commission regulation updating the minimum effective sample size to be taken to establish EU statistics on public health and health and safety at work in order to take account the accession of Croatia

The Commission regulation is subject to the so called regulatory procedure with scrutiny. This means that now that the Council has given its consent, the Commission may adopt it, unless the European Parliament objects

PROVISIONAL VERSION                                                                  16 and 17 December 2013


Euratom programme for nuclear research (2014 to 2018)

The Council adopted the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) programme for nuclear research and training activities ().

The new programme allows for the continuity of nuclear research activities carried out under the current Euratom programme, which expires at the end of 2013. It is a part of the EU's research and innovation framework programme "Horizon 2020" ().

Euratom programmes are limited by the Euratom treaty to five years, whereas the general framework programmes for research and innovation last for seven years

The budget of the Euratom programme is set at 1.6 billion euros in current prices for the years 2014 to 2018

For more information see press release . APPOINTMTS

Committee of the Regions

The Council appointed Mr Xavier DESGAIN, Mr Jean-François ISTASSE and Mr Michel LEBRUN (Belgium) () as members of the Committee of the Regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 January 2015.