Europese Commissie blij met steun EP voor betere Europese samenwerking rampbestrijding (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-Generaal Europese Civiele Bescherming en Humanitaire Operaties (ECHO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 10 december 2013.

10/12/2013 - The European Parliament today adopted new legislation on EU civil protection which paves the way for a stronger European cooperation in responding to disasters.

The revised legislation on the EU Civil Protection Mechanism is designed to better protect and respond to natural and man-made disasters. It will increase the safety of EU citizens and disaster victims worldwide with provisions that ensure closer cooperation on disaster prevention, better preparedness and planning, and more coordinated and faster response actions.

To better prepare for disasters, there will be more training available for civil protection personnel operating outside their home countries, more exercising of civil protection response capacities such as search and rescue teams and field hospitals and closer cooperation with neighbouring countries.

For a stronger and more efficient response, the legislation envisages the creation of a voluntary pool of Member States' assets (teams, equipment) available for immediate deployment as part of a joint European intervention.

The new legislation asks the Member States to share a summary of their risk assessments and to refine their risk management planning. This will facilitate the exchange of best practice and learning from each other. It will also help identify where additional investments are needed in disaster prevention.

The EU will provide limited seed-funding to address genuine gaps in response capacities, following a coordinated consultation process with all the Member States. Limited funding will also be available to help Member States address temporary shortcomings in capacities in case of extraordinary disasters. For this purpose, the EU will support the Member States to keep specific assets on stand-by.

In addition, the revised legislation simplifies and strengthens the transport arrangements for the immediate deployment of assistance. The EU will reimburse the transport of the assets and teams to the affected area up to 85% of the costs.

The Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) was set up in May 2013, providing a full 24/7 capacity to monitor and respond to disasters, ensuring that the Member Stars are fully informed of the situation and can decide in a coordinated way about the provision of financial and in-kind assistance.

The European Commission presented the legislative proposal in late 2011. The new Union Civil Protection Mechanism will come into effect in the beginning of 2014.

Related information

Press release


Factsheet on civil protection legislation

Factsheet on the ERCC

Factsheet on EU Civil Protection

Top of the page | Page updated on 10 December 2013