EP: seksuele en reproductieve gezondheidszorg en rechten zijn zaak van de lidstaten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 10 december 2013.

Parliament on Tuesday passed a non-binding resolution on sexual and reproductive health and rights tabled by the EPP and ECR groups which states that: "The formulation and implementation of policies on sexual and reproductive health and rights and on sex education in schools is a competence of the member states." The resolution was adopted by 334 votes to 327, with 35 abstentions.

A non-binding resolution tabled by the Women's Rights Committee fell. This resolution was controversial. It was originally tabled in October but referred back to the committee for further discussion. The committee then made some adjustments, without altering the substance of text, and re-tabled it for a vote at the December plenary session. However, this text was lost when the EPP-ECR resolution was adopted.

REF. : 20131206IPR30024


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Deep sea fishing vote / External borders surveillance / Sexual and reproductive rights

10/12/13 (video clip)