Eurocommissaris Hahn discussieert met bewoners in Oostenrijkse regio Burgenland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Regionaal beleid en Stadsontwikkeling (REGIO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 2 december 2013.

Commissioner Hahn discusses with citizens in Eisenstadt

On 29 November European Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn i took part in the Citizens' Dialogue organized by the Austrian region Burgenland, the European  iParliament and the European Commission i at the Culture Congress Centre of Eisenstadt.

Ahead of the European elections on 25 May 2014, the themes of the Dialogue were questions like "What do people in Burgenland expect from the European Union?", "How can the EU face the challenges due to the financial and economic crisis?", "How has Burgenland benefitted from the EU?" and "What is the future of Europe ?". Commissioner Hahn stressed the importance of participation by citizens in European politics: "There are many ways and initiatives to get involved in Europe - it is important that you use them. I am pleased to be able to discuss with you here in Eisenstadt since Burgenland is an example of successful regional policy and cooperation in Europe".

This debate is one of so called "Citizen's Dialogues" series the Commission is holding in cities in every EU country, giving ordinary people an opportunity to speak directly to EU politicians about their rights, the kind of Europe they want to live in, and expectations for the European Union. The debates are part of the 2013 European Year of Citizens: an entire year dedicated to your rights as a European citizen.