Bijeenkomst over civil society Wit-Rusland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 27 november 2013.

For the first time it is possible to explore Belarus in one place - on November 28-29, 2013 Bў-ROOM will provide an open space for Belarusian civil society to present firsthand some of the many creative and courageous activities that are being run in-country. The event, which will take place in the hotel Novotel (Gedimino av. 16) will also offer an opportunity for attendees of the Vilnius Summit to meet leading Belarusian civil society activists. Bў-ROOM is an official side-event of the Reality Check Civil Society Conference organized on the eve of the EU Eastern Partnership Summit.

The Fair features three formal roundtable discussions, informal chats with prominent activists and visit by European Commissioner Štefan Füle scheduled for 15:15 on 28 November.

The first day of the event and a photo exhibition will be opened at 11:00 on Thursday 28 November, by the Lithuanian Parliament’s Vice-Speaker Petras Austrevicius.

The roundtable series will begin with the official launch and discussion of The Equal Rights Trust report, Half an Hour to Spring: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Belarus starting at 12:00 on 28 November.

The expert roundtable featuring European and Belarusian analysts Belarus and the EU: Is There a Chance to Break the Vicious Circle?, is scheduled from 14:15 on 28 November and will look at lessons from the previous engagement cycles and work out recommendations on how to establish a positive agenda for EU-Belarus relations.

Bў-ROOM will conclude on 29 November with an official side event of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference, After Eastern Partnership Summit: How to promote human rights in Belarus?, starting at 13:30 to present results of a recent public opinion poll on what Belarusians think and know about human rights, sparking discussions about how to improve acceptance and influence for the human rights agenda in the country.

Where: Hotel Novotel, Gedimino Pr. 16, Vilnius, Lithuania

When: 28 November (11:00 - 20:00) & 29 November (13:30 - 15:30)

For further information, including a detailed program of the event please find us on Facebook ( or email us at