EU en ACS-landen: effectievere hulp aan Grote Merengebied Afrika nodig (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 27 november 2013.

The international community must continue to provide substantial, coordinated and more effective aid to people affected by the atrocities of war in the Great Lakes region, in particular in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), said MEPs and MPs from the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) in Addis Ababa on 27 November.

The ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (JPA) also held debates during their 26th session this week on cooperation between the EU and the African Union, the fight against female genital mutilation and new rules on development financing.

The Assembly passed resolutions on Wednesday on South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation (South-South cooperation with the support of a country in the North; on respect for the rule of law and the role of an impartial and independent judiciary; and on the impact of pastoralism in ACP countries.

Co-presidents Louis Michel i (ALDE, BE) and Joyce Laboso (Kenya) visited Addis Ababa's Kaliti prison, at the request of the JPA's members, on the sidelines of the meeting.

Security in the Great Lakes region

The JPA supports the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the DRC and the Region signed in Addis Ababa on 24 January 2013 and calls on the UN Security Council to take appropriate action against those failing to meet their commitments. It also asks the DRC authorities to improve the governance of the country, including in the field of human rights, to promote national reconciliation and to remove once and for all the root causes of the recurrent crisis in the country.

The urgent resolution was passed by a show of hands.

Situation in the Comoros archipelago

Because of disagreements over the statute of Mayotte, MEPs and ACP MPs were not able to agree on a compromise text on the situation in the Comoros archipelago.

South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation

The ACP countries are seeking to enhance their technical know-how through South-South cooperation but trade imbalances, for example between China and African countries, persist, the JPA said. It stressed that the mere selling-off of raw materials should be prevented and called for a balanced relationship involving also transfers of knowledge and technology. South-South cooperation must be more transparent, it added, and called for stronger triangular cooperation, involving South-South cooperation with the support of countries in the north.

The resolution was passed unanimously. Rapporteurs: Elvis Mutiri wa Bashara (DRC) and Jean-Jacob Bicep (Greens/EFA, FR).

Rule of law and impartial and independent judiciary

The Assembly stressed that respect for the rule of law and the balance of powers is a sine qua non for the functioning of a stable democracy. An effective, firm and clear separation of powers is fundamental to guarantee the impartiality, independence and accessibility of the judiciary, Members said. They also pointed to the contribution of civil society and free and independent pluralistic media to democratic government. The structures and human resources of the judiciary and police institutions must be strengthened, they added.

The resolution was passed unanimously. Rapporteurs Dharamkumar Seeraj (Guyana) and Filip Kaczmarek (EPP, PL).

Impact of pastoralism in ACP countries

Pastoralism contributes significantly to the economy, environment and food security in Africa and must be preserved, the JPA said. It stressed that the traditional knowledge of the pastoralists must be conserved while they should at the same time acquire new knowledge relating to animal health, the environment and the securing of resources. Around 268 million pastoralists live across Africa and pastoral areas cover almost 40% of the African continent.

The resolution was passed unanimously. Rapporteurs: Abdourahamane Chégou (Niger) and Fiona Hall (ALDE, UK).

Statements by the Co-presidents

Co-presidents Louis Michel and Joyce Laboso also approved declarations on the Central African Republic, Madagascar, the WTO ministerial conference and Lampedusa.

Next meeting in Strasbourg

The 27th session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly will be held in Strasbourg (France) from 17 to 19 March 2014. It will be preceded by meetings of the three standing committees from 15 to 16 March 2014.

REF. : 20131125IPR26147
