Europese begroting investeerde ook in 2012 veel in Europese burgers en regio's (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Begroting (BUDG) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 november 2013.

The 2012 Financial Report published today by the European Commission shows that 94% of the total EUR 135.6 billion of the EU 2012 budget was dedicated to beneficiaries across Europe such as researchers, students, small and medium enterprises, towns and regions and NGOs.

In 2012, the EU budget increased funding in areas stimulating growth, creating employment, and investing in research and education:

With EUR 9.6 billion last year the Cohesion Fund contributed to the building of 1,274 km of roads and 950 km of railways.

17,374 EU research funding requests were received last year and EUR 7.8 billion distributed through the 7th Framework Programme on Research.

EUR 1.2 billion was invested in long-life learning.

The report also shows that the EU remains a world leader in humanitarian aid providing assistance to more than 122 million people in over 90 countries beyond EU borders.

The share of administrative expenditure (salaries, pensions, buildings…) remained stable in 2012 at 6% of the total EU budget

“In a year marked by financial difficulties, the 2012 EU budget continued to provide funding and support investments in Europe’s citizens and regions, Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget Janusz Lewandowski i said. The high implementation of the budget confirms the increased importance of EU funding during the emerging economic recovery".

Full press release (IP/13/1163)

Financial Report 2012 website