Verklaring van eurocommissaris Füle Na zijn ontmoeting met de secretaris-generaal van de OESO (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 25 november 2013.

European Commission


Brussels, 25 November 2013

Statement by Commissioner Štefan Füle following his meeting with OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier

Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle, met with OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier in Brussels today. They discussed possibilities to further enhance cooperation between the two institutions, as well as recent developments in areas of mutual interest.

Commissioner Füle underlined his appreciation for the excellent cooperation between the OSCE and the EU including in the field and commended the active presence of the OSCE in the Western Balkans, which provides a crucial contribution to these countries as they move forward on their respective paths towards further European integration.

Commissioner Füle also expressed appreciation for the OSCE's important role in neighbouring regions of the EU, including the Eastern Partnership Region as well as Central Asia. Strong OSCE presence in these regions is critical in terms of support for democratic reforms and values. Commissioner Füle welcomed the OSCE's continued efforts to bring resolution to protracted conflicts in Georgia, Moldova, as well as Nagorno Karabakh.