EU-lidstaten willen douanesamenwerking verbeteren (en)
On 21-22 November, the sixth meeting of the heads of Central coordination units to strengthen the cooperation between the customs of EU Member States in the field of investigation will take place.
Central coordination units were established in the customs of EU Members States following the provisions of the Convention on mutual assistance and cooperation between customs administrations (the Naples II Convention). Their main activities include the execution of mutual assistance requests, which are submitted in accordance to the Naples II Convention, and the coordination of cooperation between respective national law enforcement institutions in order to ensure a proper implementation of requested instruments.
The meeting’s goal is to exchange good practices and examples of successful international customs cooperation when investigating crimes and other violations which fall under the competence of customs, focus on the most prevalent problems of cooperation between EU Member States’ customs and judicial institutions, and promote other forms of cooperation, for example, controlled deliveries.
The meeting will also cover the European Public Prosecutor’s Office initiative and its possible impact on customs’ investigations and the application of the Naples II Convention. A representative of the European Commission (OLAF) will present the EU Council's planned amendments to the Regulation (EC) No 515/97 on mutual assistance between the administrative authorities of Member States and cooperation between the latter and the Commission to ensure the correct application of the law on customs and agricultural matters.
The meeting is traditionally organized in the second half-year in the presiding country. The representatives of EU customs and judicial institutions, Eurojust, and the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) will participate.