21ste top tussen EU en Japan: 'Sterk verbond kan groot verschil maken in internationale vrede en veiligheid' (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 9 december 2011.


Fuji Yama © EU

On 19 November in Tokyo, Herman Van Rompuy i, President of the European Council, and José Manuel Barroso i, President of the European Commission, met Japanese Prime Minister Abe for the twenty first summit meeting between the European Union and Japan.

EU-Japan relations are currently at an important new stage. Earlier in the year, negotiations were launched for a strategic partnership agreement aimed at developing dialogue and cooperation across a wide range of political and sectoral areas, as well as a free trade agreement that should address long-standing trade and investment concerns, unlocking further growth and employment opportunities. The Summit reviewed progress in the negotiations with a view to injecting additional momentum towards the rapid conclusion of comprehensive and ambitious agreements that should lift the EU-Japan relationship onto a higher, more strategic plane.

Themes covered by leaders included the world economy and trade, climate change, non-proliferation and developments in our respective neighbourhoods.

Speaking prior to the summit, President Van Rompuy said: "A strong strategic partnership between the EU and Japan can make a real difference in working for international peace and security, promoting economic prosperity and upholding the multilateral system. Over the last years, the EU has taken important structural measures as part of its contribution to pull the world out of the economic crisis. Growth is starting to recover and the outlook is improving. Building on this and our many shared interests and a common vision, we will want to move ahead with a new political and a new free trade agreement with Japan".

President Barroso said: "The EU and Japan are like minded partners and share common values and interests. Japan is an important stakeholder in the global order and an essential factor for global growth. Partnering to support global economic growth and stability will be two of the key objectives for the Summit. The negotiations underway on a Strategic Partnership Agreement and a Free Trade Agreement are a concrete demonstration of our special relationship and of our willingness to cooperate and prosper together. The free trade agreement alone could boost the EU growth by nearly 1 % and create over 400,000 additional jobs, with comparable benefits for Japan. The strategic partnership agreement will enhance our political cooperation and stimulate further our developing sectoral cooperation, including on research and innovation, energy and people- to-people links."


Joint statement

Summit fact sheet

More on EU relations with Japan